Our Nation Of Canada Celebrates Black History Month For The Month Of February
In Canada we celebrate the lives of African Cankucks past and present during the month of February, so their legacy lives on with what a people went through in Canada. Stemming from the African Canucks that came to this country in church pews and being smuggled into freedom from slavery in the States. it has been a long road from the roots of Africa, and the people's legacy is firmly plant in this country with an abundance of voices speaking out in various formats this 2025. I will be transcribing some works written a few years back, after being more introduced to black history through the church I was attending, and taking part in a seminar on the black voice as seen through their eyes as a people of substance and quality that have earned their place in history past and present, with their sheer determination to overcome the injustices found in their history as a people.
Racial Learning
February 18th 2023, we gathered under our Anglican banner, for a Black History Learning experience from three descendants of African roots, to see the light through their eyes of experience, as seen in world history and our communities within our borders. Celebrating "Black History" year round in the number 365, making it a daily deed for all.
As a group of people going through a learning experience , by learning what needs to be heard and growing from our own Canadian Black History experience. Having our own Canadian Black Leaders amplify the collective Black thought, to lead the World's Leaders toward racial justice and equality for all. The majority of African people do not celebrate black history month, like our speaking guest said "we are black all the time". A prominent Black individual guest, spoke of community based activities in celebration of history through Canadian African history studies. Their Leaders give back to their communities in all walks of life, voicing that you can be anything you want to be as a descendent of Africa, to be your own "hero" through African roots. To celebrate all cultures of Africa, through University based teachings or within the Church and communities with mentoring, and its guidance programs. There are structural blocks along the way like any other place or time, excellence found through education and the truths being tools for analytical engagement in conversation, to better ourselves as a civilization through the history of our "Black" legacy in Canada and the World.
The history of Africa and its people with complexion and defining features as in the people with African roots, have history that pre-dated the slave trade of the Americas From the 1960's the politics of African Nations changed in view points of its Leaders. Such as in African to Haiti it plays a big role in World politics. From french story telling to english story telling of "Black History", stemming from a rich ancient historical story of conquering armies to slaughter of a people with gun powder and then to the slave trade. Pre-slave trade era, there were rich dynasties of African Chiefs with there own indigenous ways of old Africa.
The likes of Somalia in Africa, has land that is empty of produce, to make it productive again with irrigation of water and farming expertise. Problems in the land date back to colonialism era, from then to present situations, the mix and mash of 14 Western and European countries forcing colonialism through the "Berlin Conference" of 1884-1885, from Congo to Kenya and Rwanda, colonialism has left its mark, raping it of raw materials and minerals through mining, has played on African history as identifying factors of suppression. The present African culture now in place, is such that each African country has within itself their own ethnic identity, like the island folk of the Caribbean, each island rich in historical roots. Pride for their island and roots in each individual island's art and culture. Music from Harry Belafonte to Bob Marley to Jamaican Military Steel Drum Bands, one has to acknowledge their might.
As with many places that are stuck in poverty over skin complexion and politics, "Power Gangs" cause instability in the likes of Haiti, empty handed promises to innocent people, from the elite to the suppressed. All searching for food, water and medicine, that we hold so dearly in the politics of Canada. We can help the likes of Haiti through representation by voting in new righteous and honourable Politicians, that are in for the race of people and not for themselves.
As a collective group of people, we all can be instrumental to make change. "Colourism" around "White Privilege" in society and the rhetoric within the ranks of the descendants of in Africa. They acknowledge the talk among themselves must change, from the derogatory remarks through jokes, among their own people. Here in Montreal we have "Little Burgundy", a sample of a vibrant neighbourhood of African type roots, confronts racism and the rhetoric around "White Privilege" in society, so as to be equal partners learning about each other's own history and how we have evolved interpreting that history. Striving for success in youth and senior programs of ethnic backgrounds, working together in our communities large and small, to help the ethnic business people, as they need more support than others to succeed over the odds of failure as a minority. In closing for a collective thought, as an outcome of listening to another perspective, which is coming from roots other than the old dominant white view of history, we become equal partners in society.