
Friday, December 25, 2020

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XVlll Edition X

        Christmas Morning 2020, A Year End To Do More To Save The Planet

We All Got To Be Soldiers To Save The Planet

          Art I Did In Prison When Unjustly Accused Of A Crime
The All Knowing Eye Of The Canadian Justice System, It Works And It Does Not Work
Here are three year end points to guide one into the new year: 
  • Do not write when one is feeling too angry,bang it out on an instrument or canvas creating abstract art
  • When feeling the blues, write poetry or pros, create with an instrument or paint abstract art.
  • When feeling mellow, take time to meditate by emptying one's mind of thought and slow down breathing, to try and listen to one's own heart beat.
Three points to do for saving planet Earth, others can come up with more as we go along

  • Pharmacies can do more to recycle medical packaging waste etc, that they give to to their clients and return it to suppliers, instead of it going to dump sites.
  • More heavier fines for littering, to pay for cleaning up after those that litter.
  • More Government backing for eco-green business's,as in Better Business Bureau Awards  

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XVlll Edition lX

Still Fishing For Answers Of What Revolved Around Me, Like The Police Said In My Apartment When Someone Was Being Arrested, I Have Been Under Sabotage For 34 Years

Give me time in my writing efforts, I am over medicated.
When I was witness to this event, it happened before my second arrest. I was always under sabotage and never really aware of it. It is like I had to beg, borrow, steal to survive this sabotage, a lot of my things have gone missing over the years. How do I put it, I am a sinner with with a guilty conscience, what really did I steal, things fell my way that should not have. Now as a public figure in art and engineering and a political hot potatoe, it is like I am hated for what went on. Oxford University Press once sent me an email on what happens to whistle blowers, all I remember when I got the email was sometime after being with my ex, and before I became homeless. There was an Orthodox Jewish Gentleman that I got along with that managed a building I lived in, when I moved in I asked if he could do with a helping hand  by putting my tools to work for pay and I pay my full rent each month, working my book keeping with my welfare agent. Last I saw him he said to me he was going off to hide in the Israel dessert. A numbered company took over the complex and I got done in several ways and lost everything during these years, including my first arrest ever, being accused of harassing a woman. 
It is hard writing this, in a good time frame, I did my water research with being pre cancer in  that old apartment. I also came up with a way to burn fecal matter in that apartment and fed it to the Navy, it was just on tonight's news how I fed the Canadian military my petro -poop, how to burn the shit tank out to sea for fuel with some methol hydrate in an incinerator. The concept was leaked to business men and they made it possible for an environmentally more use of domestic waste, during covid-19.  When I was in hospital once, I emailed Nova Scotia's energy department about making ethanol out of sea weed, a certain type. When I was in another hospital after my arrest, I saw the New Brunswick's Premier on TV, they never thought of this,then saying my shares are being held for me, what Irvine Oil production took on my processing concept.
When I was working one time, I had the money to hook up my sthethoscope probe, to a  recording device, to listen to the heart beat of rotating machinery, when I recorded a city bus' slipping cluche and rattling rocker arm. I wanted to bang it into sound wave and a sound mixer board for analyss and identify rotating machinery problems, it was a continuation of my Father's work in rotating machinery trouble shooting. I also fed what I did to the Coast Guard through being at a class reunion, in another Province, way back.When I tried doing this proto-type in Montreal I was always sabotaged.


Thursday, December 10, 2020

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XVlll Edition Vlll

 I Agreed Not To Write About My Treatment Plan At The Hospital, All I Am Saying Is, They Are Pissing Me Off With These Medication  Levels And Morning Medication Hangover

On the lighter side of things, I had a lengthy conversation on the phone discussing my life and somethings I wrote and are not published on the Internet so far. I have a lot of written things of the spiritual nature or dealing with the scriptures as a Christen, sharing them with someone that have similar interests felt rewarding. It is like feeling being appreciated for some work well done.  

Here is a piece of art I did when I was in the homeless missions in Montreal, I still had a place at the time, to do art from a religious symbol book, Christen and other symbols on faiths book. People are drawn to faith and religion in time of need like in the corona virus pandemic, as to other maladies in the past. I went looking for salvation during this time period in the homeless missions, it got me through prison and the psychiatric penal hospital.

One can have alternative therapies in ones faith, many great written works on faith are out there, it is just how one deals with the subject of religion and science. Here is something I wrote around the same time of drawing the cross with angel wings.  
"Where does one find a collective conscience effort to survive what society has become as of the start September 2012 ?. (when this was written). Hearts are heavy with loss and somehow mourn for a practical application of religious to divine thought.From all science to no God, to all God and no science, to sit on ones own teat-ta- totter of practical dogma, in union with the tides of change, found in established bodies of thought." 

Wednesday, December 02, 2020

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol.Vlll Edition Vll

 Here Is Something I wrote In The Psychiatric Prison Hospital

Courts, Justice And Due Process For The Mental Health Consumer

Processing mental health consumers through the justice system and the Courts, is a laborious task for case workers and even more difficult through the eyes of the mental health consumers. With my personal point of view, as a consumer for 36 years now, I viewed the system as a mockery of socialism that leans toward communist power struggle between Judges, Lawyers and Psychiatrists. A money making racket for them that control the poor, un-defendable mental health consumers. The Psychiatrist or two always get what they want with hospital Lawyers in front of a Judge, over the mental health consumer with his or her defence Lawyer. The worst possible psycho-babble uttered in front of a Judge by a Psychiatrist, who is the resident expert on the mind for the Courts, will sway a Judge to give the Psychiatrist what he/she wants for the drug treatment plan geared towards the unfortunite defenseless mental health consumer. With no proper room for investigation by the Courts, the Judge, Lawyers and Psychiatrist become a communist bourgoise rule of law. 

The Mental Health Consumer In The Socialist Safety Net

Once the mental health consumer is through with the Psychiatrist dragging the unik individual into a Court room proceeding, if the individual had to go,not all do, they are left floating on a foundation in a sea of socialist Nurses, Social Workers, Occupational Therapist, Music Therapists, Pharmacists. To help them through the Psychiatrist's prescribed drug induced state. Hopefully to lead them into being tax payers and not part of the penal system, as a deranged mental health consumer heading towards a psychiatric prison/hospital. It is a long hard windy voyage with a heavy weight on ones head with the stygma of psychiatry. One has to face self acceptance and the stigma of psychiatry with being a mental health consumer. Which is ever present, facing self acceptance of the fact, side effects of medication, poverty in recovery in a socialist backed system with many cracks and faults in said system. No one wants to go through the mental health system, for the need is getting worse, for caring Nurses and Therapists is getting ever more demanding, so those mental health consumers already weakened by the ocean alive of failure as a mental health consumer can succeed.

This Part Written Dec 5th On The Subject Of Capitalism,The Upper and Lower Limits of Success

The Capitalist, CEO's to small self employed busines', they work in all tax brackets being Capitalist this 2020, it is not just large enterprise and the corner store or food mart, education is now the driving force behind people being self employed with a dream to succeed, now during COVID-19 it is more of a struggle, to build a pension plan, to sell your enterprise when you are getting old. A middle income class type Capitalist as skilled labour and trucks, filled with tools,essential service to maintain civilizations structures of engineers' plans, some are unionized, other non union  people  that struggle with low pay, even as Capitalist trying to fight for for equal pay for skill level and education, the woman in the capitalist market at higher tax brackets as CEO's is an example of this, and ethic minorities raising in the ranks with hard labour to be successful Politicians, to being Owners of their own enterprises. How one small company can grow and be on the stock market, it happens and bit coins have become monies on the Internet, Capitalists in the digital era. Capitalists find tax breaks,so not  inclined to reduce tax breaks, as a way to support the lower income/middle income and poverty strickened, during a crisis like Covid-19. All walks of life try to conform and help each other, an utopia in a police state to survive, protecting those the most weak and store fronts in a metropollus  from the crime of non conformity, Capitalist financing with the empty coffers of Government monies, to rule for all biding, to save the majority of conformers, during a pandemic such as COVID-19.

Here Is something else I wrote in the Psychiatric prison Hospital.

The Mean State Of Being To The Unbeing

To choose to be or not to be, in various states of being to unbeing. If we are to be in a state being here in time, to being  out there in time. Where art thou now, in your mean state of being, as to a human being in ones state of mind. If par say one is inhuman, thus we can say he/she is in the state of unbeing. To control the unbeing, which is there and should not be there, through the paradox on being, to control the state of unbeing. For the benefit of the state of being, by way of the mean state of civilization and society, for the benefit of those in the state of being. This the state, decides the state of unbeing, to be here is being, or not to be a being, such a state of unbeing and not fit for civilization and society. Thus the state has  the right to question the mean of being to the state of unbeing, until he/she is brought back, to be a being and not a unbeing of no morals and ethics. We cage the unbeing in a prison cell process,is this not so, which is a fact done in the past, present and will be done in the future, is this not so. Be it so that "is" is being there, to be applied where one desires for rational reasoning on the discourse of the human being. Thus being, to being there, what is and what is not in the rhectoric of "is" he/she not human but inhuman and an unbeing.