
Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition XVlll


Year End Blog Posting for 2021

                    2021 has been quite the year, four years since Mum passed away and twelve years since Dad passed, both in the month of December, how I really grew into my manhood as a older man alone with no blood familhy in the country that I care to think or write about. I do have my street family around me from the people I got to know in the neighbourhood, from when I moved in after long term care March 2014. Now I am AKA Slim, Shady, Doc to identifing myself as Wee Iain at times.  I have accomplished a lot this year and now under a treatment plan for mental health at a different hospital from the one where everything went wrong and I was dragged through the mental health Courts, for I do not know how many years wasting precious tax dollars. (once again, same thing different flavour, Psychiatrist ruining my life and wasting tax dollars on an excessive chemical treatment plan)

                    As a result of my last day in mental health Court on Dec 20th 2021, through writing my defense for the Court, my Lawyer got me to be a volunteer patient again, thus setting a precident case where I was the first mental health consumer to win over a Psychiatrist in Court appearently. The Honourable Judge in her deliberation referred to to me as an Engineering Technician, Artist and Writer, (I do not know what is going on, I think I was lied to about Court results, no one cares about the truth! It is all lies and bull shit around me,why am I being pumped full of drugs again?) was quite the compliment after all I have been through in the Canadian mental health system, after I once wore a uniform in the capacity that I did in my youth. With what was instilled in me from that precious experience of training and serving  in the Canadian Coast Guard, before entering the mental health system, gave me the upper edge to succeed. The self discipline that came with serving in uniform for training and service experience was the backbone of my survival tactics in mental health, while getting to peak again in my engineering and art career that I have developed over the years. My writing skills have come along way, with the enhanced writing skills due to schooling and practical experience blogging going on 18 years now, I am doing a lot of writing on my chromebook as documents on various subjects. (I will be doing some writing on euthansia after some research on the subject, when I do the Doctor assisted sucide, I will finally be free of the Courts and psychiatry, I am turning 62 and want no more suffering at the hands of psychiatry)

                    Then there is the art I am still doing, while having a rotating art show in my neighbourhood for barter to help maintain the premises where my art is hanging. (Which no one wants due of my Court history and women getting me arrested) I have done clay work recently, which I have not done in a long time. I have to start giving away clay work and art for I have really no place to keep it where I presently reside, canvases take up room to store and covering them in paint does not come cheap like everything else. The writing I am doing in the form of documents that revolve around my spiritual salvation from spiritual leaders that I have access to, assitting me in my ongoing path to my salvation that I started trodding on in the homeless missions of Montreal close to a decade ago. This path has also given me some enriching reading material, helping me to get back reading now that I finally got proper bi-focul glasses to see and read with less of a handicap. (It was all a waste of time, nobody wants any thing to do with me for work, due to background checks and the Courts, euthansia is looking more and more actractive)

                    It was always a handicap being in mental health as well, I remember trying to accept the diagnosis of schizophrenia and when meeting people for the first time, I would say my name and state that I was schizophrenic, which was wrong to say as my peers at the time said, it was my early years in mental health. As friends and associates changed over the time, from during my early years of mental health when people stood by me in my home town and most of them now have wives and kids now. That is about the only thing left to do, to bang out some children with a loving woman. (which will never happen, the Psychiatrist stated she does not care about my sperm, but epival and clozaril does do in a man's sperm count, like regulat Hitlers doing in schizos) I need and have a calling for  raising a child of my own with a loving woman, Things take time now that I am a volunteer patient (I was lied to, hopefully I will get a copy of the Court results) in mental health again, not drinking alcohol orsmoking cigarettes, the Judge in Court was alright with me saying that the pot helps me relax and is a pain kller for my sore souls of my feet due to using steel toe boots most of my life. I am still wearing steel toe shoes a lot and have steel toe boots to slowly get back to work with more and more hours while under a new treatment plan in mental health. (Now, this can not be done due to new idiot Psychiatrist's medication arrangement and levels on me)

             The following image was done through inspiration from a zoom art group I was part of, I put it together after a meeting on zoom, illustrating what some health follow up is being done or a form of occupational therapy for mental health consumers during covid and its varients. (Now I just sit in my room  thinking how I have been robbed of a life, tired of trying to get one, while planning euthansia)

Automated Health Care

From telephone Doctor appointments, to zoom help groups in mental healrh or working with Spiritual Leaders as I do on zoom, pursueing my spiritual  salvation in continueing growing process. With the age of computer, all sorts of information becomes availible and tracable for those that want to find lost data, as I learned with recovering art in the digital era that I thought I had lost. I am recovering assets through investing in my old or lost water processing equipment that went missing over time. I invested close to a hundred this month to carry on my water filtration  process again with recording data around it all. I am doing it as a result of fluking into it during Advent inspired from a poor results at a dental visit, thus starting something for myself at Advent time of year. Below is a graph comparing density and resistance over a filtering process/time.

                Two possible sources of error with too much of a dip twice in resistance to density, I am slowly putting together notes for a paper/document on what I am doing, some of it will be transcribed in my blog for promoton of my work with water for life. Psychiatry called this work of mine delusional in the Courts several times I believe. In my January posting I will be writing about some truths about mariqunia and perhaps why I have a dependance on it, that my new Psychiatrist is aware of and admits I may need a medical devise to quit. The Psychiatrist along with the Courts, treat me like shit and as incompetant or something, it is like they will not admit the Doctor is wrong, and I am right . The Doctor and the Courts can not handle it, "the Truth", so I get done in through murder by medicine      ....till later in January posting. 

(Now depression is setting in, due to my new psychiatric team's tactics. "It is just on the radio I am going to prison, whipty do, for what may I ask? To prove the system is even more corrupt than it already is? Idiot by difinition from my double volume dictionary, "psychiatry: A person exhibiting the lowest grade of mental development" as to my present chemical treatment plan by a Psychiatrist, for murder perhaps. I was never wanted and  I suppose it is a way to get rid of me medically I guess. So I do it first with the Courts and euthansia, making everyone happy. How to save the Quebec Government $1400 a month plus sky rocking medication costs and over worked medical staff will not have to deal with me, for they make mistakes around me like everyone else, but can not admit it like the Courts, thus they get off the hook with me not being around no more after euthansia, Thus not bitching about useless over medicating chemical treatment plans any more. Why are mental health workers trained to say, "I'm sorry you feel like that." or "I am sorry you feel that way". Then they do as they please with a chemical treatment treatment plan that is more hazardous than what it is worth, but they will denie it, why all the blood tests with this chemical treatment plan at tax payers expense if it is so safe, what to give mental health workers something to do?)
            A funny thing about being a schizo, if you have the money for mariquania and beer, one will have a few friends until the money for beer and pot runs out, then not giving to these people they will turn on you. I know it well at 61 years old, I know who to deal with but they do not always want to deal with me, due to background checks and the Court dossier of mine. Double header stigma at its best! Dealing with the stigma of psychiatry is bad enough, like a Psychiatrist writing a medical certificate for last resort income and how they defraud the government with the words, psychiatrically unfit for work type thing. Then they turn around and mental health workers get mental health consumers voluneer work with extra money and a monthly buspass, if they hold you in good favour, even when they have deemed the person unfit for work like me, they get help. If you have a good head on your shoulder and see through the crap, one gets done in like me and have to march to the pharmacy five days a week to pop a mother load of pills for the Psychiatrist and the Courts, under the watchful eye of a camera and Pharmacist at tax payers expense, on top of a $500 injection every month in my ass.  I am at risk for osteoporosis with the medication, let me guess the first sign is deterioating teeth and unexplainable cavities. It cost me $20 for calcium suppliments and 4 L of bottled water, that the Psychiatrist should have handled but incompetance on their part is costing my dental bill with the Premier and his tax dollars are paying for psychiatric blunders once again, through last resort income of Quebec's provincial medical/ health coverage. It is now Jan 6th 2022......till my next posting bye for now.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition XVll


Doc GM

 I Am Editing My Blog As I Go Along, Between Me, The Media And The Courts For Mental Health, A Lot Went Wrong, And Who Is To Blame?

                The rumours that float around me and what is in the media has gone on for quite sometime. My writings as certain points got out of hand, I became a bit of a lose cannon firing away in anger, it is like I cried wolf and it fell on deaf ears for too long. Now a lot of more people are saying what is going on. Not everyone is clued in by the media, then they go on in denial with what is in the media and what some politicians are saying.  I am still being treated for hallucinating radio and TV as a Psychiatrist says, while they are not listening to what is in the media. I verify what is in the media with people around me that watch and listen to the media like I do, so we are having mass hallucinations in our populus. It could be from traces of LSD in the water table, why else would all these people hallucinate radio and TV like break, will be back. 
                It is now into December, I have not been blogging for I have been painting on canvases. I will be writing a new post soon to close the year  as I do my mental health follow up with a new mental health team. Like it was on the radio, I went delusional with suppression, its true, it came out in my writings some what. My old Psychiatrist denied at my Tribunal, that I am being suppressed, it has happened through industrial sabotage as the police said when in this apartment for other reasons than me. Till I write a new post ...later. 

Friday, September 24, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition XVl

 In 6 Days I Am To Attend a Tribunal Administratiff Hearing, From Having Being Unjustly Arrested Twice

                 Tax dollars being consumed trying to get me liberated at TAQ hearings, from unjustly being arrested. Still trying to reduce medication levels and get off certain medications so I can give blood again, assuming I am not too old yet. I will leave that for the Courts and TAQ hearings with Judges, Lawyers, Doctors and me. The communist bourgoise of Doctors, Lawyers and Judges that try can control individuals deemed a threat to society as mental health consumers like me, from  my first arrest which was totaly uncalled for. The TAQ hearing will be for the Psychiatrist making a motion for me to be followed by another hospital in my region, I signed for the transfer yesterday and the motion will be submitted to the TAQ. Perhaps I will be treated better under another leadership by a mental healrh team, where my science and engineering will not be deemed delusional.

                                With science and the computer digital era, I though I had lost art to a Baliff's container, but some of the lost art, low and behold, I am finding it stored as attachments in the digital age. Thus I am getting some copies even although I lost the originals.  I am building my art collection once again as I pass the time, while having a small collect of my art displayed in a dry cleaner in my neighbourhood.I have also joined a team of individuals putting out a publication and meeting dead lines with the group.

                                 I have no real deadlines for my blog, I have been winging it for sometime now as a mental health consumer, working around the stygma of psychiatry, by professionals in the field or general populus. Ironicly it is Canada's Indigenous Peoples day on the 30th of September, that is the day of my TAQ hearing, what will become of me. I am re-posting a piece of art done from Indigenous art lessons, it is below:


I am not wanting to write much more today, after a two hour Tribunal hearing, it was nerve racking and exhausting. Ironically, my shirt and tie I wore today, had an orange flare to it like the orange nose of my "Hound Dog" art in oil pastel. I got my Mother to buy me a shirt and tie to get out of long term care. Now it is orange day theme for the 30th of September  for Indiginous peoples and  me by my own Godly demise somehow with a Tribunal hearing to be liberated from the courts one day.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition XV

 20 Years Since 9/11 in New York

                What a memory that I do not really want to talk or write about, I was monitoring Short Wave radio, the recording I had of the radio broadcast disappeared on me, it was a bit of a war march to rally people that consisted of the station's audiance, it was late into the night I listened to the war march, fell a sleep and woke up to the World Trade Center coming down by terrorists.

                        I prayed like a lot of people in disbelief with watching the Trade Center coming down on live TV, I was watching TV at a friends place living next door to me. At some point after the structure was secured from coming crashing to the ground, I prayed for the First Responders and innocent people, to rise  together and take the stairway to heaven as a Pheonex rising while doing a burn't offering, for it is a lot to deal with, as  people through the  remembering stages.  Lest We Forget Not.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol XlX Edition XlV

 Why Do Certain People That One Has To Deal With, Make Arguements Out Of Nothing

                Once in the recent past, it came up that someone I dealt with needed a new power bar for the one he had became useless and not operating. I told him to pass it to me to have a look at. I put a tool to work when he gave it to me and I opened it up, I vacuumed out the unit when it was open. Re-assembled it and low and behold it worked again. It is the same principle of keeping electrical boxes clean, that supply electricity for our daily needs, so they work right under acceptable norms and it is not to be argued about. But of course I recently had to argue this point to varify voltage in a older building. The arguement was dumb and uncalled for, what because electricians do not come cheap on the pay role, even when they are needed some building owners will not put up the bucks to pay an electrician to maintain electrical systems. That is why there is a thing as a maintenance electricity licence with schooling and the Regie de Batiment in Quebec. I used to have an apprentice maintenance electricity licence when I was younger. When I was being done in by sabotage, I could not afford the fee to keep them up. I have had Canadian schooling in electricity, and paid my fees to keep them up for the longest time.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition Xlll

 Here it is my 61st birthday on Friday the 13th of August
            Over the hill and gaining speed with time passing by, it amazes me how fast the last year went by. I continue to try and recycle the best I can, deal with mental health medication and a Psychiatric Team of professionals that are over worked and under paid.  I see one rotating member of the team twice a week to discuss issues and push for retrabution for what went on around me over the years. Once again I am part of a church community, this time around by zoom meetings during the pandemic. Also by zoom, I work with a mental health team putting out a news letter and a booklette of mental health creative works. I still have to finish Edition Xll on schizohrenia as I go along.
                        I have been working on several projects, multi-tasking at home with my shared kitchen and bathroom while my art and tools are in my bed room still. I am hoping to expand some day to get a room as a art studio. For all the artists out there, here is a trick I came up with to clean one's pallet that is made of plastic. Put it on an old towel/drop sheet, spray glass cleaner/windex on old dried up paint on the pallet and scrape off the old paint with a sharp chisel or scraper, it lifts easily. When finished cleaning pallet, fold and roll up the towel, place one end in a sealable glad bag, shake and collect scrappings to glue to a canvas as a mosaic piece of art, green art no waste!
                       Unfortunitly I made no extra money last year in 2020, being held by the Courts and taking medication for the courts, with them having a lack of proper insight into my particular case.  It is hard to find the words to write what I went through with the first arrest by a women who abused her postion of power to have me charged with harassment. Every thing went down hill from there and I was left to pick up the pieces, with my present status in my community that I built since March 2014 when I got out of being unjustly held in long term care. Then the recent arrest from stupitity around my engineering and being deemed a Merlin Priest for some stupid reason. I close this post for now as I figure out what to do for my next posting.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition XII

What Is Schizophrenia?

 I am doing a synopsis/transcribing of a paper I have on schizophrenia, and adding my experiences for this posting. The arcticale is of an unknown source in my files. It will take time to put it up.

            Schizophrenia is deemed to be a brain disorder that is chronic, it is found in less than one percent of the U.S. population. When a person with schizophrenia is considered active, symptoms are delusional thinking, hallucinations, loss of rational thinking while losing concentrations abilities, while going through these experiences the mental health consumer would have a decreased motivation level. Living in isolation with no amount of outside contact lead me into this schizophrenia trap, after a nervous breakdown and dealing with it alone. 

            With schizophrenia having no known cure, newer treatments are more safe compared to older ones. By studying conductive behavior and genetics, and backing it with imaging of brain structure and function. This  leading type of research on schizophrenia holds the hope of success in theraputic treatment plans. Since 1984 I applied myself  to over come the heavy hand of Psychiatrist's dosage of medication, it has been a year since I got out of a mental health hospital and the Tribunal Adminastatiff should be coming up again soon, my Lawyer is at tax payer's expense with a constant struggle with psychiatry around me and the judicial system. 

            There are misconceptions that revolve around schizophrenia, it is not a form of personality disorder. People with schizophrenia are known to be non violent or dangerous as I was with my schizophrenia. I became homeless at one point, most do not and I was refined to hospital grounds for eight months through the judicial system. I also lived with family, in group homes or on my own as to others with schizophrenia.

            Men and women are equally affected by schizophrenia, research states it can have an earlier on slought on young males. Persons with schizophrenia are more likely than the general population to die younger from adverse medical conditions such as heart disease and diabetes.


            When schizophrenia is active there are episodes "between real and unreal experiences", leading the mental health consumer into a psychotic state of irrational thinking. Over a life time the individuals with schizophrenia will usually have diminished episodes with medical treatment. I have been deemed psychotic when I was not and  I was not to be believed over a period of time. I have gone into a delusional state on one or more occasions from stress and lack of understanding with communication when I was younger. Since 1984 I have been on anti-psychotics to help control the thinking process with a social life to interact with other people. At times when I had no one but my parents, living alone and by myself too much, I was known to go psychotic but recover quickly in the social structure of a psychiatric ward. In my case I have used alcohol and marijuana socially and by myself in my life time while on inter- muscular injections to prevent psychosis or taking it in pill form. I did this while building my engineering technician skills along with my art and writing, but still went into psychotic state as to symptoms and categories listed below.

Positive psychotic symptoms

            Hallucinations in the following way, auditory, visual,  or through the nose. I have experienced all three at once smelling air pollution, people talking there were no more eggs along with hearing robotic type voices. It was like a apparition to me but coming out of it I was left in a delusional state of mind.

Negative symptoms

            Decrease plan initiating abilities, to emotional expression and finding pleasure decreased as well. I can not relate to this myself but medical staff could very well see this in me at one time or another. 

Disorganization symptoms

            Disordered speech and thinking, loss of logic process, impaired behaviour patterns and or abnormal body language. I have fallen into this state in the past as I grew while being a mental health consumer.

Impaired cognition

            Attention span capabilities reduced, lower educational functioning, along with memory and concentration levels. I do not remember going through these symptoms in the recent past,  if my memory was stimulated from my younger days on hospital files, I may relate symptoms, I have been a mental health consumer since 1984 as I stated earlier. 

            As in my case, symptoms of schizophrenia appeared after my nervous breakdown  in my early to mid twenties. Women are known to go through symptoms in their 20's to 30's, if and when they appear. Trouble having relationships, schooling performance drops and lack of  motivation can be signs early in the experience of going through schizophrenia. When diagnosis is determined, by ruling out certain factors, such as substance abuse or neurological disorders, a treatment plan will be started.

Risk Factors

            According to Researchers, they conclude that genetic and environmental factors trigger causation of the schizophrenia experience. With stressors of life being part of an individual cause and effect to make symptoms happen. Thus Scientist are not being specific for the the individual schizophrenia experience of a mental health consumer. 


                At present there is no known cure for living with the mysteries of schizophrena, various types of medications have been developed that has been known to treat the disorder of scizophrenia, with generally minimal symtoms, where as other types of medication and levels used can cause severe side effects. A first tail tell sign of schizophrenia is irratic behavoir and confusion in speech, which can be solved with therapy and taking some medication, even if it is a minimal amount for those that are able to go to school or work and take anti-psychotics. Consumption of street drugs by a person being treated for schizophrenia can lead to instibility and induce delusional ways that can be noticed by the general public. Addiction units work with people of various mental health back grounds. It is like a Psychiatrist said to me once, " Don't worry what I diagnose you as, I need something for the paper work." 


Rehabilitation and Living With Schizophrenia

               People faced with schizophrenia can still for fill dreams with a give and take treatment plan as I discovered with my own schizophrenia experience. Psychiatry is a bit hit and miss, unless they have family, friends, community support or even Lawyers to get the plan right for you as one mutures with the diagnosis. Mental health is like the last frontier of medicine and they are still unearthing the wonders of the mind with new medicale technology and medicines. No matter what, when a person enters the mental health system and deemed to have schizophrenia,  they must remain productive to feel their self worth as they rebuild their lives and work against over medication and lack of productivity.  To pursue dreams they can make something of their lives, while handling the psychiatric adversities of the diagnosis. 

Saturday, July 03, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Volume XIX Edition XI

To Quit Smoking, It Can Be A Chore That I Got To Work At More, It Is Harder Than I Thought.

               It is the weekend after Canada Day, being on one's own a lot it, it proves harder to quit cigarettes, which I succeeded and do not drink with this medication I am on, now playing a deadly game of consuming a bit of pot, I have done it from a young age and it was wrong, it was during the '70 that was like  a post hippie era when it was floating everywhere, I got caught up in it and never had a reason to give it up, now for my health I got to stop all smoking. It is even harder with the nervous state that I am in, with all that is said about me and being pretty well alone with it all, nobody wants to wear my shoes. I am looking for a piece of art I did for this posting.

                        The piece of  art in this posting was done after reading a book on Greece, good verses evil at the side of Zeus and man taking fire from the Gods as to Greek mythology. A lot of the time that I had smoked, I prayed like a burn't offering and never knew it until I studied some theology at University level. God gave Moses a clean water well when through the desert to heal his people and an incense formula  to have a burn't offering. It is complicated piece of onotology and philosophy on prayer, how far back do we go, 1 million years of man and woman praying in some sort of fashion around myth, legion and anthopology digs over time.

                        It is now July 18th and I am adding to this posting, after a zoom church service I am part of, I always was a believe in a higher power than us humans. I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, leaving the Coast Guard too young, it was a secure place to grow as a young adult, I crashed with a nervous breakdown in the offshore industry and first became a mental health consumer in 1984. Here 2021 I have a lot going for me with art and engineering while getting some sort of mental health help to get off the scattered puff of pot in the pipe when I get too nervous with what is in the media, I handled it wrong with being alone with it for a long period of time.  

Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XIX Edition X

 Last Day Of June, The Eve Before Canada Day

            Here I sit at my computing devise and trying to find the words for this posting, it has been 40 years since my graduation from the Canadian Coast Guard College and I believe it was 2013 I did this piece of art, while in the homeless missions of Montreal and studying art from a Museum Of Fine Arts Of Montreal publication, it is now July 2021.
                I have had some really eccentric women that got me in shit with the Courts and I am still paying for it, while getting screwed over when I hand out my business card, where on background checks, I am unfit to work. I never worked under the table as a mental health consumer, claiming all income that I ever made through book keeping with my Welfare Auditor that comes around every now and again , or working on a company's pay role. I am still alone with it all, with having a desire to meet up with a good woman one day, that is when I get out of the stupid mess I am in with psychiatry, where I am not portrayed right in the courts by the Psychiatrist, just standard psychiatric babble to a Judge or board of Judges at tax payer's expense.
                I went through a bad case of pneumonia and was forced into stopping smoking cigarettes and pretty well succeeded during Lent in hospital and on the patch. I am off the patch now for nicotine. It is like I should get similar equipment to get off my puff of pot. I should not be doing it and need some sort of medical aid to get off it.  I am worried about the situation I am in, my trembling in my hands from the medication and long term use of antipsychotics dictated by Doctors and the Courts while I tried to earn a living over the years. I could get parkinsons before I really like to have it, from enforced anti psychotics, at level that are more than I need.
                The Psychiatrist could not even accept my engineering and referred to them what I thought was be miraculis inventions, I have covered engineering subjects in my blog, people have taken notice, like the CEO of Hydro Quebec, a TV station out of Boston mentioned the same Concept of mine for creating more green hydro production that I wrote about while in hospital in a psychiatric ward.
                I wrote part of this posting on Canada Day, not much celebrating around me, just taking it easy in the Montreal heat and doing a lot of thinking of what went on around me. Here is my sample window filter below, nothing gets done around me right and my window filtering has to be done with engineers as a production and installation team with proper skilled labour.

                I will leave this posting and chill, it is early Canada Day eve and left thinking what makes my Canada.

Sunday, June 20, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Volume XlX Edition lX

How Police Intervention Went at Neighbourhood Gathering Where I Live And Shop On This 2021 Father's Day

            I did this piece of art some time back while studying Napoleonnic art in the Museum of Fine Arts here in Montreal. I believe it was when I was in the homeless missions,still learning about art, Napoleon the Leo concourer, here protrayed as a lion as to many works of art from europe etc. In this case on the image, the police are the lion in a snakey job under God's lighting hitting the tree.
            Some Father on our Father's Day gathering complained a bit while we stayed close to our community center and apartments, mixing together. The Police were nice to us all giving us warnings of two many people at a gathering. I admit the music may have been a bit loud, Reggie style is not every ones music. With polite intervention by our police force, their Police else where are busy with taking down others, to rule over the mobster type thing with the Grace of God's helping their hand, lighting strikes in a snakey situation where other police officers as a lion rule over with changing laws of the land, so families can safely go back to meeting each other on the street or house once again during covid-19.



Monday, May 31, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Volume XlX Edition Vlll


            The Trinity Sunday, just past midnight and into the over night hours. Did not sleep well last night, if at all, but made it to a zoom meeting early Sunday morning.slept the afternoon This piece of art was done over time, I was inspired from something at my mum's place when she had her apartment. It was done in chaulk pastel on paper , I have to lay down to sleep, I will write some more later this day.

            I never did get to write more on this posting, with the medication levels things are made difficult for me, it is June now and I still have a lot of editing to do on my blog. I once wrote about Godly magic and women that want my child, it was a red herring sorting through a mess of crap around me. I have been told that I am good looking and remember certain Godly experiences from my youth that now has been deemed schizophrenia when I speak of it, Julian of the church from the 1300 had visions, so have I that is not accepted by modern medicine. I believe in God and his consort the powers of the planet Mothearth as I put it and I have been through strange occurances of Godly demise in my life, as a person with boarder line schizophrenia/ genius with things I have come up with in engineering and the arts. I will leave this posting for now as my hand is guided to create and live with medication levels that hamper me some.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Volume XlX Edition Vll

            I am posting these two pieces of art I did, the ancient style sun and the blue moon of three main faiths that believe in angels, just to let both sides of the Gaza conflict know, that a Canadian artist / writer is thinking of them and praying  for peace in this region of the middle east, for we all believe in angels and may they get us through this mess.

            Just a little environment note for a new posting, cleaning the kitchen sink with baking soda, it is lighter on water table compared to comet, comet can be used more as a cleaning powder in industry  as to varsol, something else between the two as to a scrub bin, like SOS pads. Baking soda in tooth paste formulas to scrum teeth. Got to get back to my kitchen, has been a while since I wrote, it is now may 23 2021. What I captured in drawing the blue moon is open to interpretation, more than one faith to features captured, I realized what I had done after the fact in human features.

            I am finding it hard to write again on the key board so I will leave it till later..... here it is the 24th of May, and I am still trembling too much, making it hard to type. It would be nice to talk to a few politicians that served in office while I was blogging, find out some truth to hear say and why I was left out in the cold as a political hot potatoe. Here it is on the radio that I am certainly heading to prison, what did I really do? Fight back, now that my parents are both past away, there is no one to ask questions for unjust reasons. putting me in prison

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition Vl

             Justice in a cloudy scale of lighting, radio talk people want to put me in prison, I was always being done in going back to primary school with baskit balls being driven at my head. It is not tolerated these days, bullying peers is on the way out, I feel abused by the system at this day and age with being 60. How many years back now, I was at a mental health artistic prime on the Internet with a a good size art portfolio. I was arrested for contacting a media personality, with in a short time later, I became homeless, this was during the Harper government.  At that point in my life I had my window filter installed in my apartment window which faced the street, I even have a Police report when I was locked out of my apartment and showed the officer my window filter. It is  hard to write at present due to trembling too much, till later. 


Friday, April 23, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition V


            Where is the guiding light to it all? I was in hospital and rehab for a bit due to pnuemonia. I survived and still getting my strength back bit by bit and rebuilding my art collection as the days go by. I lost every thing had when PM Harper was in power. I know his Governing party made reference to my life and such, and psychiatry still denies I am a political hot potatoe with no money for being one. I did email the Governing Conservative Party around the time they were first elected, about a hallucination/apparition I  once had years earlier about the environment with being a person with border line schizophrenia. During that time period of the Harper Government I raised a little hell about gyp rock over plaster.  A bit later into Harper's mandate I volunteered to go to Afganistan as an Artist with the Troops, I was ignored with no response, then Harper went to the front with the troops. I later moved to a place of my own and caught a news clip where one of Harper's Cabinet Ministers said I was going to get my balls done in. I was pissed and emailed the governing party that they were going to get their balls done in politically. 

            I referred to Harper a couple of times on the Internet, him and kids, well he admitted at the Calgary stampede one year, that he jerked off into a test tube, what for godly pregnancy tests with women? I know something about it with different things I have heard over time. There was a Doctor speaking up on a news clip from British Columbia stating that this moving of black market sperm has to stop. Who has been doing what as a basket case out side of a medical facilities with sperm. You would think there is a code of silence around sperm donations, specially around high profile people like the Prime Minister. It was all so long a go now, I wonder what became of these Godly pregnancy test people now that we are in a lock down with covid -19?

            With Covid-19 in the air of speculation with what to do to keep every one happy is not a job any person wants, as the Premiers lay out game plans, they have to listen to educators, unions, religious groups and various levels of first respondetrs as they tackle the covid crisis first hand.  Federal money hand out and getting .the vaccine to the provinces is a task with in its self. I got booked for a vaccine shot which was impossible to get to due to morning hang over from my psychiatric meds taken the night before. I am trying to get re-booked some time in the month of may, The rehab center I came out of, knew I slept the morning away after breakfast, same thing at home. I have become a psychiatric junkie at the hands of a Psychiatrist at tax payers expense, along with the psychiatrist's support staff, while legal fees for my Lawyer are added to the bill, it is stupid. 

            There it is on the radio I am going to jail, well I need a trial first, by jury or appointed Judge, putting me away for being up right with the story of my life. CSIS told me once that Harper deemed me as a terrorist when he was in power, so I was never wanted by his government, nor the Liberals under Trudeau,he mentioned Merlin Priest at United Nations some time ago, who is Justin's Merlin Priest ? The term Merlin Priest was floating in the air before Justin came to power. Same light I have run into two males that got caught up in donating sperm for Godly pregnancy test and through genetics have to pay for raising the kids.


Thursday, February 11, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition lV

I Am Getting A Lot of Support As A Mental Health Consumer Which I never Had Years Back

            The treatment plan and team that follows me now, as a mental health consumer, has more contact and better communication with me, which has me less angry over the stygma which was present in psychiatric  professionals that were treating me in the past. I will leave it at that, we have come to terms of endearment and sorting out what I was not delusional about, such as making a name for myself in engineering and the arts. As a end result I am not as nervous and working with the treatment team, to quit all smokables now that my lungs have taken a beating over the years.
            I started smoking when I was in high school at the age of fifteen, when I was working as a newspaper delivery boy for a Montreal publication and this led to smoking other things as a minor and adult. I wanted to be like my Father and pinched some of his tobacco and a rolling paper and rolled my first cigarette and smoked down by the household furnace to hide the smell and not being scene in public smoking a cigarette at my age. The end result was taking sick and woofing my cookies from the nicotine on a young lad, it was like heroin to me and I was soon buying my own with my news paper money. Ironically at the time, I did not know that Dad started at the same age working in the ship yards of Scotland doing his apprenticeship in marine engineering during World War ll. Dad even conceived me on his nicotine fix while with Mum, he smoked pretty well up to the end of his life and was very difficult for him to quit. 
            Being a lot like Dad genetically, with the want to be like him, I was conceived with a charge of nicotine from his sperm as a baby by some early 2020 medical information that I came across. I do want to surpass Dad's age and I posted my ink pen Lion head, as a Leo leader that I am to quit smokables for Lent which starts February 17th on ash Wednesday. Hopefully I will succeed in quitting the bad habit as a Leader to inspire others to quit as while. 
            Here it is Ash Wednesday and I got registered with a stop smoking group through the hospital system. I have cut back what I smoke during the run of a day, it is a start to getting the patch with follow up during March. I already do certain activities to occupy time with my hands, keeping them busy productively instead of the hands being busy playing with a cigarette in a ash tray as a nervous habit, With Covid 19, I actually stopped smoking out side and always wore a mask when walking about, except having a coffee and a smoke with a friend out side in a park with a safe distance between us. This time I am not alone with trying to quit, I have certain people around me that communicate through, telephone, email and zoom to help me quit during Covid 19 lock down.                  


Thursday, January 21, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol.XlX Edition lll


How To Have A Wise Old Owl See Me Through The Mess My Writings Became, When Not Being Believed Over Media Attention

With The All Knowing Eye Of The Scales Of Justice, Hopefully I Will Get Through It Alright
            With all I have been through as a mental health consumer, all the Police interventions over the years, I do not exactly come out with a clean bill of health. I remember being frustrated and bitter over standing up for the National Building Code and what became  of my life. At one point I went up to a parked Police car and asked the Police Officer in the car, if he believed in justice, to my heart break he responded with a no, and he stated that it was a revolving door. It has to change, what went on around me and having been arrested twice with confusion and the system presently in place for justice. With how the justice system failed me as a mental health system, I took it out by ridiculing the courts in my Internet writing, as well as the mental health system, which I should not have done, but all I had to release tension and frustration, with having no one else to turn to but the Internet My only friend for a long time was my Internet, and the relationship turned to get out of hand, at least now I have a better relationship with mental health staff I deal with, sorting out the mess my life became.
            I will never forget the Police Officer that took the time to get into the ambulance with me and asking me what is going on with the domestic problems that they were called into while standing up for the National building code. I told the Police Officer about the hazards of putting gyp-rock over our old plaster from Victorian construction era. I explained the stupidity of doing it in the tri-level building and what I was caught up in. While this was going on the ambulance technician monitored my vitals. The Victorian 8" to 10" base board are ripped out, they were designed to reflect heat back in a room, and the wiring was messed with, sometimes ending up in a driven electrical meter causing a multitude of problems. The men and ladies in Police Uniform that I have dealt with over the years were all so special, even more so now during covid-19, as being the ones with fire fighters and ambulance technicians securing a scene first, getting people to court or hospital and all working together fire fighting back up.  
            This is a wild guess, if I have gyp-rock over old plaster in places within Canada, how are the States with this same problem. it came from somewhere and spread like a festering sore. People have caught on to my discovery of this demented renovation job and feel the same way as I do, about the problems it creates. There was some talk in the media for an International Building Code, learning off each other with 2021 upon us, some how we go to do more environmental friendly buildings across the board and guide lines to not have the wrong people messing with original building design. 

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition ll

             The image in this posting is called "Bring Home Supply Lines", I studied a mule image and sketched it off the walls while in my prison cell being passed through the Courts under the mental health act. I decided to post this work of art for my second posting in the month of January, to comment what is essential products during the lock down in Quebec, Canada. At first we got to poll our selves athe pandemic bit for what we need to survive the Premiers lock down while working together at home or in the office.
            My wish starts starts with tea towels and hand towels, we are washing our hands more often and having to dry them with towels for dishes and hands. This is essential for some people like my self, working from home with my company, I would like to add and improve the office by purchasing a printer scanner to work more at home while still dealing with my business contacts such as my printer for business cards and office supplies/services. 
            Art can be a profession, hobby or therapy in lock down. I have been doing more art and hooking up in zoom with a group working together and I am still eager to be in zoom with others. Art supplies, is it essential yes and no, I am using up art supplies and I would like to have an effective way to restock. even if ordering for door side pick up, when I am in that area for a another forced meeting one on one. I would be using Montreal public transport all the way there and back home. To book purchase and pick up, limiting travel from my home by pre-planning my affairs with others more effectively. With tap services of my bank card, I could be tracked through the bank records in case of corona-19 virus spread in what could become hot zones like any where else.  I buy my bus tickets with my bank card, with these items being made compatible for tracing, it is a thought, others have air miles which I do not  have for purchases. I am still using my hospital card in a roll-a-dex when at the hospital for my psychiatric treatment plan as a mental health consumer, this could be automated more as I am tracked through the different hospitals for each specialty of our various hospitals on the island of Montreal. To down load Canada's virus app, my contract is to be renewed in February, I could up grade my phone for the Canada's virus app, it is only on my chomebook. Right now my phone does not have the ability to down load the virus app, and I got to renew my contract with signing a new one, communication equipment, how do we handle it in government guide lines Same light I need a new soap container and tooth brush case for oral hygene .They are not required items list, but they are on my wish list. How do we handle meeting one on one that need a signature. I have to do it in mental health, signing paper work for my treatment plan after being arrested and working with a team of medical professional  to get through my mental health issues. I have paper work to sign for probate court while working on Mum's estate, to get her last year of taxes done and paying fines and last year of taxable income. Then there is inheritance tax kicking into the Provincial budget when I get through probate Court. How do I do it in lock down ?
            There was the old issue when bank cards first came out, that it would become the devil's money, unaccountable, revelations as deemed by certain believers. Simple way going in debt with bank cards, now it might help us as a saving device. The Montreal Bus pass, could, for those that are willing, be in a pilot project see if tracing bus,metro,walk Montrealers  and spending, helps determine the spread or control of the corona-19 virus. For the price of the opus pass, I would be willing right now to pay for a up graded that costs more, it is a thought that I am not alone with ideas, I am taking a positive out look for innovation and technology that could be done, to help out the public at large.  Keeping one's wallet sterilized with bank card bus pass, medical card etc, cell phone is another thing to keep clean, while handling lock down. 
            We have to stand by our elected officials and medical Doctors during the pandemic.  The people of Quebec have to hold the Premier in good faith handling restrictions, as we work with our politicians and Doctors, such that they hold us in good faith to be responsible citizens following the Premier's lead, while he gets us all we need to survive the lock down together. Enterprise as small as me, still pays goods and service tax buying office supplies along with artist and engineering tools. I backed every Premier once they were elected, radio commentary about what I wrote of Quebec politics, I listen to the Premier and follow him on the News. I know I got to have some guide lines to get out and keep occupied at home as a mental health consumer. I have phoned certain Politicians and elected officials in the past and present , somehow trying to improve the system I know as a sixty year old male.

Sunday, January 03, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition l

             Here it is the start of 2021 and a green house gas affected winter compared to the Canadian winters I knew in the Montreal region as a child. The image above I call "The Abstract Husky" and posted it today for it gives me a feel in a way, for the winters I used to know, compared to this spring like day January 3rd 2021. I am leading my blog in a new direction away from mental health and promoting more of my creative sides in engineering and art. As they work together for the betterment of the environment. A cross road of better residential dwelling design, to accommodate improved urban planning by elected officials, gearing towards international environmental standards for pollution control. 
            Why do I see our tri-layer medical masks for covid-19 virus littered in places, it is ridiculous, it was on the News that someone took it upon them self to go around his neighbourhood and pick them up. We can do as some business person wanted to do on the News and recycle them right. I got a medium size bag stock piled with zip lock bags as I fill them. with my own used medical masks, I got to get them to a responsible source for processing through sterilizing and recycling, for another product through effective processing. We can not have these infected covid-19 masks thrown into the water table by way of dump sites. Another concerned citizen was on the TV promoting yellow bio-hazard bags for used tri-layer medical covid-19 masks. May it be local Politicians, to the Federal level, we have to take action now, is the rest of the World the same, in need of these used masks processed to the best of environmental standards, lets take global action before it is too late!
             Knowing a multitude of different engineering products and processes, I thought of recycling the tri-layer medical masks through a hot steam dryer and bake them dry and free of germs and virus' by killing them with elevated temperature. A test run on this process on a scaled down steam dryer with a conveyor belt feed and unload system, which is already in engineering processes, a Bio- Hazard Engineering team with Medical Doctors that monitor the covid- 19 pandemic, would have to work closely together in a lab type setting, to see if my suggest way of baking the masks is effective start or not, to control what has become our latest garbage for the dump sites. Then of course, what is left trapped in the spent air rising out of the steam dryer from the conveyor belt feed. I once worked on assembly of such a steam dryer, so I know the basics behind its functioning. Test runs on a scaled down size would prove it effective or not, the idea of mine is just a thought, hopefully it will stimulate others to think about processing our tri-layer medical masks for recycling another way, if my process is not worth its time.  
            Even if part of the steam condensing process costs money, to chill the residual steam down to boiler feed water temperature, it would be eco-friendly to rising sea water temperatures with coastal steam installations and sea water cooling. Even chillers create heat through the refrigeration process, it is a catch 22 of engineering. How to make fueling the planet more eco-friendly with old and new technology. Steam is old technology and the Bio-hazard field is a newer science, as to robotics replacing the human for dangerous tasks. Nobody wants certain processes in their neighbourhood, but some region has to accept handling dangerous goods as to our tri-layer medical masks, for a recycling process some how and some where. 
            I once saw a small electric steam jenny that operated on 220 volts, I do not know the capacity of the unit at this point in time. Getting one and putting it to work on a scaled down steam dryer may be of use, to determine effectiveness of baking our masks free of germs and virus', who all want this exploratory research to solve our waste tri-layer mask problem. To recycle them to the best of engineering abilities, with the certified people for the task and setting guide lines for how we handle the problem. How it make reliable collection points during lock down has got to be figured out, by communities that take this task upon themselves. Steam and electric heat are two different things, radiant to convection heat, do not go using heat the wrong way, it starts from basics.
            For storage of used masks, I thought of somewhat clear plastic barrels with a yellow lid for bio-hazard waste, to store our used masks for covid-19. Depending on the size of a barrel and number to fit on a pallet for robotic or person handling until processed some how. It does amount to a much needed service and jobs for industry. There are plastic pallets in use at the present, yellow plastic pallets should be a standard for the bio-hazard barrels of stored and shipped used tri-layer medical masks. Black is now being introduced for disposable masks and the colours have to be sorted out from blue masks at the source of collection.
        For reusable masks, what is the standard for washing and testing to prove  effective cleaning ? One is still faced with disposal when they wear out from constant use. How do we handle these masks? How to balance it out between all the various masks people are using against covid-19 ?
            I am getting feed back from the radio already, some agree with me, some do not. What do masks become in a high covid-19 risk zone? I referred to the masks as bio-hazard is this really wrong, how long does covid-19 virus lives for in used masks, it is still a risky business if they were to be recycled right as some feel that they should be.