
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XVll Edition V

It Has Been A While Since I Have Been Off Court Ordered Injections And Back On Pills While Still Dealing With Demented Cults That Refer To Me As Their Merlin Preist

Since just before the Tribunal hearing on May 25th 2018, I got my Psychiatrist to put me back on pills instead of the Court ordered injections.Like I stated at the Tribunal the injections were stupid,costing Quebec tax payers up to $1000/month compared to about $50/month for pills. My Lawyer and my Psychiatrist said I did well at the Tribunal hearing and should be liberated next year. In the legal argueing my Lawyer said to my Psychiatrist you want me to play 13 years of media in a court room,people are going to go to prison for went on around me. Like the Tribunal said to me when I had a chance to explain myself, "we have to look into this",referring to why I got arrested and ending up in Court with a defense Lawyer with no money to defend me right against my accusser for harassment charges. How does one take on the media and demented cults around me when they seem to be intertwined. Obviously demented cults have infiltrated the media with delusional personnel and their Merlin Preist concept around me,which I am making head way on. Appairently people want to sue me for what I have wrtitten but then again I have counter law suits if they try and mess with me.Now I am hearing that my Google money is held in trust because of what Bush and Harper did.It was on Canada AM when it was airing that Google Canada had $24 million for me from what they skimmed off the take of Google money. Then there issue of Godly Pregnancy tests pointing to me which I had nothing to do with. I am hearing more and more of it all the time. Now I hear someone wants to sue me over what I wrote about it, what because I totally ridiculed the concept on my blog and in Twitter. I even heard rumours about Google money and getting pregnant on my street once. Even when I took my Mum to the hospital for a blood test once,I over heard the Nurse say to the out patient in the blood clinic,"where is your husband?,the patient responded with,"Oh I went Godly Pregnancy Test". The Nurse responded with "Well get out of this hospital then". It is stupid what has gone on, more and more people are becoming aware of reality of North America as they talk and use multimedia services. Then there are the blackmail and threats around me, people are fed up,they want to do business with me! I have some work that does not really pay, it is hard to move art but I have my engineering proto types that can stimulate the economy and put a bill in a lot of people's pockets. Like it was on one radio station ,the Premier spoke and said that this surpression of Wee Iain has to stop. Ever since I stood up for the Canadian Shipping Act and National Building Code it is like all hell broke loose. Like it was on TV I will be rewarded for standing up for what is right on these two occassions. I never knew people were out there rising against me when I was innocently out earning a living,now that I am on disability pension I got to know what was going on in the media around me, I never knew. This stupid stand off around me that I am a Merlin Preist, where do we point the finger what started this suppression of my intellect and ability to try and pay taxes through my company. Someone is going to have to pay for it,people that have the time to listen and watch the media are starting to become aware of what has been brewing for a very long time.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol.XVll Edition lV

Edited Post from Original: 
Psychiatry and I never did did kiss and make up,it has been a ruff and ragged road being dragged through the Courts to be force to take medication,as to what went on with CTV Montreal and I,it still feels like mind boggler, two sides to a Canadian dime and many grooves around the edges for us Canucks. I did not have a whole lot of time to write the original  post but I am making edits and grammer corrections November 2020. I became aware of media attention at the end of 2005 on CTV Montreal. What I could write what went on fron 2005 to 2018 in the media around me, I am sort of in contempt of Court writing about it all, I do not really know, it all became surreal like the Artist I am. All this that it is illegal to deal with me and the blackmail that floats around this stupid thought of mine, my Psychiatrist still says I am psychotic in 2020 and I am getting no where fast to straighten out the facts. I was always deemed unfit for work by my Psychiatrist but all I ever did was work earning a living on the pay role of a company or self employed with my company on welfare and making my financial claims to my Government Welfare Agent. (Still relearning blogger as I go along with my blog.) At the time I made this posting, I had three clients for my company's income and I was rocking and rolling building my company while feeling good about myself being off Court ordered injections, replacing it with pills. I worked with a new Nurse and Social Worker while keeping the same Psychiatrist from nine ago. Funny how I 
am turning to my memories which led up to my first arrest due to CTV Montreal. All I did was to charm a person at the station by sending art writing in the form of a cartoon script. Now 2020, things are coming out that this could be the ultimate cock tease story to women and men alike, due to my charming nature. I hit on the wrong woman that was referring to my art and work in the News broadcast. When one points the finger, one points  how many at themselves, it is a two way street. The person at CTV Montreal News that accused me of harassment said one time during a broadcast that her ring on her finger meant nothing, with what I was thinking at the time, led me to send gifts of my creative works inclusive of a cartoon script, while asking her to be my art manager to help me over come slander when I was standing up for the national building code. Hhhuuuummm, what it took to over come the slander through friends and business associates in my new neighborhood that I am part of now. People that spent time with me in the area I am  being social in, know me as a really nice guy that is harmless and curtious to women. I never harassed psychiatric female staff over the years. How and why I got arrested I do not know, I was shocked what she did, she gave one reason to the police and another on a radio broadcast on the radio station CJAD. I feel that the whole situation could all have been handled better. After all my company name was mentioned once on the CTV News and so was the cartoon script. With trying to make something of myself and getting off welfare was sabotaged by the media and political interference I guess. I asked my mental health Lawyer for a media Lawyer to control what all this has become. The most suppressed Artist/engineering technician going, like I was dubbed on the radio as the Canadian Otto Dix. My accuser of harassment charges more than likely forgets all that she said over 13 years, a lot of people have not,like the Police said a cock tease is a cock tease.

Friday, March 16, 2018

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XVll Edition lll

It Has Been A While That I Have Trying To Make Posting, Finally I Am Getting Tablet To Work Right
 Life seems to be passing me by and I do not have a whole lot  to show for it. I do not have a whole lot of friends but the few that I do have are good to me, I find myself asking in my thoughts, 'what happened to my life?'. Life of poverty as a mental health consumer even when I did work it was poverty status. As I struggled through the mental health system I found it a lonely life, I never got to grow with a woman at my side in a healthy relationship and I spend too much time by myself. I still long for a healthy relationship with a woman but it is like they are all married off at my age of turning 58 this year. It was always hard to meet a woman when I was younger for my fore arms and hands were stained with greese and grim from working as a electromechanic here in Montreal. I remember a woman asking me once what I did for a living to get my hands so dirty. I wrote her something and asked her be there for me later in life when I get my hands cleaned up. Now that I have my hands cleaned up, well still no woman in my life.  It was 1998 when I started doing art now 20 years and not much came out of doing art. I started blogging in 2004 when my now deceased Dad bought me a computer for Christmas to give me something to do after getting out of hospital one year. With all that has gone on around me I am left dazed and confused somewhat,still insisting I have media attention with the hospital being in denial. All this about the Merlin Priest,illegal to deal with me or something according to the media, I just do not know what to make of it all. Who all pinned this title on me and why, I would like to talk to someone who has answers about this. There it was just on the radio, 'he is stuck with being a Merlin Priest in poverty'. That was depressing hearing that statement
 so I think I will go see my buddy to talk to someone, till later when I blog again.

Sunday, March 04, 2018

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XVll Edition ll

Even My Blog Went Out Of Hand With Stupidity, After I Was Arrested, Made Homeless And Then Getting Out Of Long Term Care To Find Investment In Myself

It has always been a long hard road for me rebuilding after I entered into the mental health system some 34 years ago. it is like a reoccuring dream that I used to have, I could never load the truck of life. Coming from having had worked on the ships and tried to work as a electromechanic in industry and technician around buildings, I never could make a whole lot of money. I got into doing art in 1998 and had a lot of it but my art collection went into a baillefs container when I fell behind in my rent from replacing things that were being stolen during illegal entrances in my apartment. Then being arrested for harassment when I tried contacting the media to help me with my art career, and even trying to keep up my blog in the homeless missions which I did, and now finally getting some investment in me, and contacts to have art up for sale somewhere in Montreal. .....will write more later .....How do I apologize for my rant against  CTV Montreal News in a previous post, I was really hurt and angry over getting arrested on harassment charges when I was trying to prove to my Psychiatrist that the news team was putting in plugs for me. I do not know what took over me when Mum died, I wanted Mum to see me succeed as an Artist before she died and  I could not achieve any thing  Now I am deemed a threat to society after the arrest and followed by the Tribunal and I feel alone with it. I will never forget what Mits of CTV Montreal News said, that made me check on my Mum in the bath, and I saved her life from drowning a second tim thanks to Mits, and got her to hospital with 911. Mits actually said "check on your mum" and I did, when I was not suppose to be staying at my Mum's by the Psychiatrist. I just do not know what to make of it. 
Once again I have to march Peel hill and get a court ordered injection and get told I hallucinate radio and TV when I do not, and nobody cares. Other wise I would not be alone with media attention around the he and him in the media. Then these women at CTV that claim to have aa Holy child are full of crap, more people mentioned this to me and  they even fooled my Mother's church over this. I am now a old man with no women or children, even on CBC News says they will not give up for I need proper treatment for my state of mind, these idiot Godly pregnance test women,how do I masterbate and get a women pregnant. I have met CTV women in the past socializing, one spoke of how I more or less saved her life, people wanted her done in and asked me to do it, I warned her of the situation and she mentioned it on the news while handling the anchor desk. It is not my fault there are demented cults around my pen name,why can't people deal with me and sort this mess out.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XVll Edition l

Once Again I Am Writing After Court Ordered Injection
As to my routine I write after my injection, and nothing much has changed. Psychiatrist that dealt with me over the years depend on the initial schizophrenia diagnoses from New Foundland and insist on court ordered injections. Once again I heard on the radio that the "he and him" in the media is Iain C. Watson and I am not to be believed.. Even when I first contacted CTV news to verify to my Psychiatrist at the time the media attention that was around the "he and him" that I could closely relate to, came to no resolve but me getting arrested on harassment charges and it ruined me in several ways. Still stuck in the Tribunal because of it, all of this stupidity where once in the mental health system people will start questioning what you say or do with stigma and it is like they will head fuck you for satisfaction or in my case submit to blackmail or something to head fuck me over. Even on Hillery Clinton's Canadian book tour she can be quoted saying "he is no Merlin Priest he is a Engineering Technician", what was that all about? Then  there are times the radio DJ says while trying to make a point "Harper pay him then for being your Merlin Priest" What is this all about? What Harper needs a Merlin Priest for something that no Canadian knows about or some do. My life has been sabotaged enough out of this stupid mess that I did not start, even my blog has become a bit of a stupid mess with my frustration stemming from the media still yapping about he and him that I can relate to. No Lawyer will listen to me or defend me right from lack of money to fight in the courts for justice towards me and my needs........till next time.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bell Media Let's Talk Day For Mental Health Consumers And I Have No One
I do not know what to write,I am sick and tired of arguing my point with the hospital. So according to the Psychiatrist I am delusional and hallucinate radio and TV. Like I said at the hospital obviously the medication does not work so suicide is looking like more and more of a option. Everyone in the world usually has someone to talk to and I am sick and tired of this stupid Planet and want a way out. Beer and pills at bed time so I never wake up is becoming more and more of an option. After all why not, it is like the poem I wrote "Lies Society Told Me",just as well joining Mum and Dad in the after life. The black mail around me is too thick, what is one to do, live in poverty and argue a point. To think if I commit suicide as a way out, half the world population would more than likely be glad and over joyed, they could finally lay claim to my engineering proto-types and stimulate the world economy without me. One of these days it will be good bye cruel world, then I will be the most yapped about dead man instead of the most yapped about person in poverty, it has been a lonely life and going to the grave alone is becoming more and more of a welcoming thought. So long for now........

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol XVI Edition I

Once Again I Am Turning To The Internet With My Story Which Is Like The Crime Of The Century With Idiots Sabotaging My Life And Company
This is all so stupid, the blackmail that floats trying to do me in. Submitting to blackmail is a crime, all these criminals around me in Canada that submitted to blackmail or blackmail people to do in a honest righteous business man like myself. Like any where else it starts at the top, in my case it has and is still being done from the Prime Minister's office right down to the drug dealer on the street. This little schizo as in me, is not allowed to get fucked by a woman or she would to go to prison. Who started this Neo Nazi propaganda? Hitler was good at doing in schizos along with the Jewish folk, so who are all these war criminals in Canada, lets start with the Governor Generals Office to the Prime Minister's office as of January 2018, they are in the media more or less saying I am a Merlin Priest that is not allowed a woman or money. What the fuck is a Merlin Priest, would someone please approach me and explain to me what a Merlin Priest is suppose to be that is not allowed to get fucked by a woman. Let me guess jealousy over my foreskin, all these men with part of their dick cut off that don't want a woman yapping how good it is playing around with my foreskin. Woman know I have a foreskin, they yap and I have been fucked by a woman or two before, who are all the criminal minds that say I am not allowed to get fucked again and why? Perhaps the Neo  Nazi Leaders of this country can come to me and explain to this schizo why I am not allowed to breed with a woman like schizos in Nazi Germany of WWII. Women have my phone number from my business card and are scared to call me apparently. I have one woman that I have discussed my window filter with and she is interested as she said but never calls. I have another woman that said she needs a customized service from me but is scared to call once again. So here is the National challenge, let some one explain this mess to me....later.