
Saturday, January 04, 2025

Doc GM's Political Messenger Edition XXIII Vol I

 It Is Now Into The New Year Of 2025

It was a quite start to the New Year, not much went on around here for the New Year coming in, I actually went to to bed early being alone with my solitude. One thing I unearthed with the change of the year, is that what is suppose to be 110 volt electrical receptors for our common household use of electricity are now rated for 125 volts which is too high a voltage to pay on one's hydro bill. Volts times amps makes for watts, and one pays for kilowatts consumption. Now looking at the back of the electrical receptor, one has to read how to wire it. By the old Canadian Standard Association, looking at the back, the black hot wire was to be attached to the left side, at the large slot. Now these made in USA U/L licenced, the hot black wire has to be attached on the right side, and the common white wire on the left, contrary to old common practice. It leads to confusion for hooking up the electrical receptors, by plugging in a electrician's tool it will illuminate lights to indicate if the receptacle is wired properly. A properly wired receptacle will reduce the overall voltage in the circuit thus reducing the amount of the hydro bill one has to pay and reduce fire hazard in the home. Then the painting of the receptacle and clogging the ground plug with paint has to stop, while painting the cover plate to the wall, and installing with the ground to the bottom. The purpose by design and safety is for the ground to be bottom dead center, for if water runs through the wall over the receptacle, electricity will tend to flow to ground when the receptacle shorts out and trips the breaker.

Poor Workmanship

Proper Installation

Now correct plastering has to be done around the newly installed electrical receptacle to finish off the job, which would be an ideal cover plate, one with a gasket to seal for virus' in toxic wall gases. A cigarette will blow wild around an electrical receptacle with the blowing in of toxic wall gas, which no doubt contain foreign germs and virus' which affect human health. The poor workmanship image promotes electrolysis through conductivity of electricity to ground, hence rotting out pipe work in a multi unit dwelling.

A Coffee Table of Prayer For Government Housing Standards For Good Health

Lowered Meter Voltage Reading But Of Phase

Issues in electrics are a huge investment to rectify for lowering the hydro bill, and maintain cheaper performance of the utility company's network, cleanliness of overall network from consumer end to the utility's company supply line is an essential investment, to reduce overall costs of smoked electronics rated for 120 volts fed excessive voltage, while being burdened with dust. It is like when I was asked by Google about their service, I responded with holding them in good faith that they will not abuse me the client with their services, likewise I the client can be held in good faith by Google that I will not abuse their services. This applies to the relationship with my Landlord and the utility company as well to maintain proper hydro to my facility in this economy driven society. 

A structure's hydro pumped back into the transformer by nature of AC circuitry, will envertily smoke the utility's company transformer on the street as internal old wiring faults come about, by what is not proper and right for a standard, as over seen by the Canadian Standard Association and electric equipment manufacturers upholding said standard. On a stove, black has to go to black, red to red of the unit etc, between electrical box and plug, to keep the AC syn wave in phase. to bring down the hydro to 110 volts again would be a savings for Landlord's hydro in common area and a savings for the tenant, as kilowatt hours are worked out in math for the hydro bills of the complex. Manufacturers can not keep increases the rating of electrical equipment for internal wiring based on 220 volts to start with, 110 volts and 110 volts makes for 220 volts as a theoretical standard. 

I Always Have Reoccuring Dreams That I Can Not Complete Various Tasks Or Am Lost In A Open Maze Of Life

Somehow with the complexities of the mind and dreaming, my dreams speak of my life of how I could not succeed to any degree of really appreciating life on the whole. In a lot of ways I am content, but still feel I lack certain fulfilling aspects of life. Being stuck in the rut of poverty and watching my budget closely, there are a lot of things I would like to do but can not financially.  Like a lot of Canadians I suppose, and more and more Canadians are falling into the same boat of life, with the present economy and their social status through their own economic income to the cost of living.  The only thing I have going for me is the Political Messenger which does not pay, but is an activity to occupy my time and reveal my thoughts to the world of the Internet. Now with my dreams, I am always at an handicap not able to succeed at the task I am trying to do in my dream, or on the other side of dreaming I am lost somewhere trying to find my way. This dreaming is constant, and has not changes for the new year, like my life, which my dreams somehow reflect. I am haunted by this dreaming because I wake up feeling empty handed somehow, like my budget at the end of the month or feeling empty handed for lack of female companionship and children of my own. I still desire to have a real relationship with a charming woman, and do day dream of this fulfillment in life, but can hardly see it happening this late in my presence on Earth, with my unearthly budget which is forked out to me by the Government of Quebec between pension and welfare. 

My Canadian dream was shattered a long time ago with the onslaught of my schizophrenia, controlled as it is with having a stable life, I built dreams around my schizophrenia issues and my engineering skills. Prototypes came about that I have written about, with lack of contacts, and financing they never got developed or evolved into anything worth while. Then again the dream is still there to succeed around one of my engineering concepts, and to do something with my art and hopefully get a lady in my life. Cold as society is, it is heartwarming to have the few friends that I have. Like one close friend said to me, I have more friends than I think, even although I am not in contact with them. Like my life, in my night time dreams I am alone a lot trying to do something , but not given a helping hand and rarely dream of women as much as I would like a woman in my life. I am good at accomplishing what I put my mind at, compared to my dreams where I can not do anything to complete the task in the dream, I am always fumbling with failure if that speaks for my life, as I still try to succeed financially with writing about engineering concepts or ideas at different times on my blog. Day dreams are to build upon, where as I am left haunted by my night time dreams of failure. Where does the reader stand with their dreams as I have related the experience around my own?

I Have Been Reviewing Some Of My Writings From When Hospitalized Unnecessarily Just Over A Year Ago, I Am Sharing Them Now 

When One Wants To Dance The Last Dance

When the club house is full of ladies,
Does one dance with each and every one?
Or just sit back eyeing them without batting an eye,
God knows I have eyed many a lady,
But hardly touched any of them,
Even although some of them really touched my heart.
Knowing they could cause a gold rush in my veins,
Somehow in my private moments I have to pick one,
Hoping she will be the right one for me,
God knows I need one just like all of them need the likes of me!!!

Riding The Gauntlet To Paradise

On my high horse of intellect
I pursue my creative endeavors
Like riding a gauntlet to paradise
Escaping the the route such as the valley of death
Pursuing mountainous high ground
Longing to find a rose of a gal
To plant my seed in her fertile garden
Like a donkey on a certain leach
Being toted along by a Godly hand
To find a fair maiden so just and fine!

What Do I Make Of My Place In Time

Here I sit once again scribing my thoughts
Passing of the time as the dawn of a new day
Is beginning to rise in the horizon
My feeling somehow flushing out through my hand
Anointing the paper with the curse of my lead
Being what it is making note of this place in time
I find myself searching for words to describe
How I feel in this place in time
Not lost but gaining insight to emotions
Once bottled up deep within me
So I make my own very special point
As I am confined by the needs of the state
Is this all just one big mistake?

The Love To Feel A Woman's Passion

Being that man for what I am,
I never really felt a woman's passion,
But the desire is still within me!

Why am I alone at the age I am?
Barren of children and yearn to be loved,
Like many another in loneliness!

Never really have felt a woman's passion,
As I age the more the desire is there;
If only not to be alone with desires!

God only knows in his name;
There is suppose to be a woman,
For every fair and just man!

The love to feel a woman's passion,
Grows old in me like the feelings in my bones;
Why must I be so alone at this time?