
Thursday, June 13, 2024

Doc GM's Political Messenger Edition XXII Vol.V


As Things Come To Pass I Could End Up Homeless With Housing Crisis In Montreal

My Social Worker has not found me psychiatric housing yet, and the end of the month is just around the corner where I am expected to vacate this room I rent. I have had a lack of motivation this last bit with fighting off depression with not having enough to do with my my life. I can not afford any type of apartment with the cost of rent in Montreal with the housing crisis. According to the media there are about 5000 homeless people in Montreal at present, and I could be forced to join the ranks of the homeless. I have had to throw out my water processing equipment among other things. I do not believe I am going to lose everything again and going to the homeless missions once more. It is like once in a lifetime is enough to be in the homeless missions, if I end up going to the missions I do not know how I will get out of the homeless situation. With no family in Canada and limited friends I have so few avenues to turn to for help. 

If my brother did not screw me over for my inheritance, I could have afforded a decent place to live a long time back. Then there is all the talk about the 47 trillion dollar trust fund that needs to be dealt with! The scaled down offshore drill bit I machined in the Canadian Coast Guard College as an Officer Cadet. I machined a design of a auger with a sleeve on it to move the drilling scrap up the column to be placed where ever an Engineer wants to put it. Like it is in the media, whenever it drills it makes money, and I seem to be not allowed any financial reward for my design. It has been in the media several times, even the President Joe Biden said give him his money, as our Prime Minister said, it is hard to move 47 trillion dollars in assets.  Well it is time to cash in, I am in need of a chunk of money at this point in my life or I will end up homeless in this great and prosperous country where I could never succeed. To think the tax to be paid on that trust fund, the Federal and Provincial Governments to take in a fortune in taxes off the trust fund, to be there for Canadians in the present and in the future. What is stalling the Federal Government from taking affirmative action on this 47 trillion dollars of assets? Financial Analyst Patty Lovet Reid of CTV has spoken of the trillions that are sitting there, what can be done with the trillion dollar tax grab on this money, for one, NATO can get a chunk of change as Canada pays its expected share. Even an OPEC spokesperson was talking about the money on the news. Why is the Federal Government dragging its feet over this tax grab, Canada needs the money like myself. Our Finance Minister stated on the news from the House of Commons that "The money is his", why can I not have a chunk of it in good faith to get re-established in proper housing somewhere? I am not the only one that watches the news, I even caught a video in Facebook where someone was talking about the trillions that are sitting there in a trust fund, and rumours spread around my
neighbourhood about the money and who is suppose to get his cut of said money along with the people.

The heart of a community is found in the Canadian shield of taxes financing that said Canadian community and protecting it with the laws of the land, nurturing it with the wealth of a well developed education plan for the people of this Nation. With education wealth can come about in mysterious ways, expertising in sports and wealth of mind, body and soul is through financing to bring home that Olympic gold medal, it still takes financing from a social democratic system where capitalism is abound. The State person on tax dollars  must fairly equate what is right for social economic justice in a rich society of knowledge and implementing that knowledge to create more wealth for the people. The true nature of democracy working for the people towards a liberal bailout plan with conservative economic wealth found through social economic justice for housing, food, medicine and clean water, which some do not have as Canadians, Indigenous folk are eating toxic fish from their river due to an unjust economic crisis' occurring that are regionally brewing. Some of our cities are becoming too expensive to live in and driving people homeless like I was before. Montreal missions are turning away people as the great moving day is coming upon us, people have no place to go like myself and we need a housing bailout plan put together yesterday, which has not occured yet.  Where is Justin and the Finance Minister without hauling in some of the tax dollars from the trust fund of 47 trillion dollars, to have a plan for protecting the people from the homeless situation, taxes can be used to save the Canadian shield of a fair and economic just social society which is suppose to be found in Canada.

A Chinese Landlord and a roommate that used my bedroom as a whorehouse ganged up on me to soon make me homeless,  10 days to go and no place to live as of yet. 25% of Canadians live in some sort of poverty like myself by not being able afford food, the dentist or clothes, never mind a place to live. Funny how people can come to this country get rich and make born and bread and educated Canadians homeless and nobody really cares. Sure it makes the news, but there is more and more homeless and the homeless missions are turning people away. I resent an immigrant  with money and power as a Landlord making me homeless, and he does not even run the building to some Canadian standard. He took over my cleaning and plastering to get rid of the cockroaches, renovated and put the sink too close to the stove by the kitchen standard. The floor is sinking between the weight of the stove and sink There is nobody here to turn off the fire alarm when it goes off, I called the fire department to turn off the alarm once, cost the Landlord a $1000, and he takes it out on me to make me homeless through me agreeing to leave the building in rental Court, to evade reimbursing the greedy Landlord monetary costs for me calling the fire department to turn off the fire alarm. There is no full time janitor in this building, as an immigrant that can not even read or write english or french he is at work earning a living elsewhere!  Then ethnic minorities wonder where biggotary comes from. Going to my blood test this morning, I could not stand seeing oriental people knowing one of them is ending up getting  me homeless because of money and the Courts, over housing that has no Canadian standard but is a slum in this apartment sharing it with mice and all. I will get over it as time heals. Being in this location for ten years years and I want out, to have a better place to live with some sort of Canadian standard, I could never earn a decent living since coming here after long term care, as much as I tried. Ended up being misunderstood, getting the blame for things the wrong way, and end in housing Court due to issues around me and the apartment complex. I have no family, community or Politicians that care, I am just another statistic as a schizo, do political organizations answer email or the phone? I guess they are swamped with citizens contacting them. Politicians still get a pay cheque for a country in crisis, they argue with each other in the house of commons like a freak show and nothing gets accomplished, but more and more homeless in the country. In Montreal we hang around the Old Brewery Mission near Chinatown in Montreal and piss off that community. People started this "Death to Doctor Goober Modesty", well they got what they wanted, and Politicians are ensuring this. I'll end up dying in the overcrowded homeless missions when I  go there again, with no way out like so many others. Are Politicians and the media going to yap about me when I am in the homeless missions as well. What? Am I so far wrong? It is a compliment yes, but has gone to far with myself in poverty, like a lot of Canadians in strife with homelessness upon them. 

The stupidity of psychiatry, when I was hospitalized in psychiatry at the Jewish General Hospital last time about, I complained to the Psychiatrist about the ventilation system on the ward. It was a death trap! Someone in engineering had the wires crossed on the ventilation system, the suction vent was pumping in the air and the input air filters were clogged with being converted into a suction vent by the crossed wires on the air pump motor. They straighten out the mess after I showed the Psychiatrist and the air pump started with sonic frequencies with being overworked due to being working backwards against clogged air filters. I never got a thank you for figuring out the problem and complaining about it, I just get treated like a dumb schizo and get kicked out of hospital when they needed a bed for someone else. Hospital work records can prove my point! The room I had on the psychiatric ward was next to the boiler room, go figure, we are just treated like shit even when we know what we are talking about because we are schizo! They even said ultrasonic frequencies was delusional to me, until I punched up ultrasonic frequency detector on the Internet with my cell phone. I asked the Doctor to see me through Housing Court, to have stayed in hospital for two more weeks so that the hospital saw me  through Court with a Social Worker. I ended up alone in Court with no course of action discussions prior to meeting my Lawyer. I did not know the housing crisis was so bad at the time, due to being in hospital for the arrest by the the Psychiatrist, the wrong shots were called in Court with me having no proper guidance to see myself through, I was alone with it all. 

Not all wrongs can be fixed that easily, it is just when they mount up so much it gets hard to handle.  There has been too much as sources of error in my life, I feel I should have never started writing under the name "Doctor Goober Modesty", it was like falling into a death trap, then trying to disassociate from a name that still haunts me, of having more than meets the eye around the name. I never knew, I just threw the name together from nick names pinned on me, as a pen name to protect my family from the schizophrenia association. It has been twenty years blogging on mental health through the eyes of a person with schizophrenia, that still pursued a career in engineering at all odds, instead of being just supported by the system as I am now. The Landlord once asked me to work for him, I gave him my business card, and things never worked out, and I am trying to buy time in this hell hole of apartment that never worked out after ten years. If only I had been consulted around some of the civil Engineering in this building and put to work when asked over a business card.