
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XXI Edition IX

 Doc GM
            Here I sit in heavy memory lane, for here in Canada it is "Truth and Reconciliation Day", for our Indiginous community across the country. Just what to write, about my youth in high school as a W.A.S.P. (white,anglo saxon,protestant) where there was a 5000 student body in a regional insitution for education, where I attended as a junior and went on to graduate. The sudent body consisted of Indiginous, Caucasian Protestant and Catholic students from such families of birth, along with other Christian denominations. How do I go about writing the memory lane, of the first romance in my head over an Indiginous gal in french class from grade seven, I remember the ways I tried to charm her, then the ridicule that followed by classmates. I do not want to write about it without a lot of thought going into it. I did tell the men at the domino table out back the story. At least it is in oral tradition for now, as one of their "Slim Shady of Walkley" past expoites, amoung the men I associate with for leisure/business time.

            Above is a piece of art I produced through Indiginous TV and getting art lessons from a educational show. As I learned of their Indiginous drawing lines, I put together this image in oil pastel. The original was lost to a Bailiff's container, before I became homeless in the streets of Montreal, thankfully recovered in the digital era. 
            For explaining grade seven french class, I though about it and came up with a bit of a melodic talking rap, with a beat being kept with a Indiginous instrument. It seemed like a simiple way of telling the story without necessarily causing hurt, by revealing the story the wrong way. I wrote the words and in due course of working the instrument while reciting the rapping words in practice. Then when I think of it, one story leads to another, the Indiginous lassie that came to me in grade 9. I wrote her somethinmg as I remember and gave her an old key, of a barrel and flang design, while giving it I stated that it was the key to the bottomless pit. Later in life I caught her on TV, stating that indeed it was the key to the bottomless pit of stupidity. Yea, I was institutionalized at the time, and deemed one that hallucinated radio and TV, while having delusions of media association. So I had no one to talk to about it, while having to keep my mouth shut about what I heard, for fear of having to take more antipsychotics, which would have been perscribed if I had yapped about the preceived broadcast. Being angry and bitter over the mental health treatment plan I had to deal with over my life, it lead to two unforseen arrests, mouthing off the wrong way a few years back, before that trying to charm the wrong woman. So I do have something to rap about in my own way, over my sour puss romantic life that never really happened, except for in my head. 
            Then to think I am a Scot by heritage, kind of writing another type of "Amazing Grace", to think being born here and our first Prime Minister being a Scot and responsible for a lot of atrocities, sometimes our past heritage is not so pleasent. ....little pause, I must go pop pills for the Courts at the Pharmacy....

War Has Broken Out In Gaza With Israel, Forces Mobilizing, Thus There Will Be Hungrey Refugees That Need Fed On Both Sides

            I did the above sketch going through my own moments of Holy War in my head due to my training in uniform, somehow prepared for war through my Fathers teachings and that of my Federal Government of Canada through training in engineering practice and now having schizophrenia as a handicap, which did show a bit in my training years. Hence I got through my education in Government training and during my rehab years financially at trade school, CEGEP and University level with help from Mum and Dad. With having no children of my own to support as a small business person. For this reason, it is my will to be there for the war children on both sides of this nasty disruption in the middle east, while striving for world peace with a march into the future aiming towards the need for reconition and planning towards environmental concerns for the world, having ones own heart towting the line of hope for our populess at war, and not more bloody butchering of fellow human for an answer towards peace, tolerance for others, no matter what creed or complexion with the various genetic make up of a civilization gone wrong that consists of seven basic beliefs in faith that have settled peacefully in our hearts with our Indiginous folk, can we at least humanize for a while and bring some young minds togther to demand a better future for the younger children through UN inititives, fighting for food water and medicine with schooling, so war orphans can be provided for, no matter where they are on this planet. With honesty in our heart, faith in our religious leaders, while giving to charity with a labour of love for our fellow citizens of planet Earth.
            My city of Montreal really pulled through for me, with assisting in preparing for extermination by a profeesional exterminating team dealing with this building, they really know what they are doing as city employees with such kind and curtious service, giving us a helping hand in here. Where my roommates and I have no immediate family, we got assistance from the city to do a proper cleaning before estermination. We were not alone in my community with help from street family and the take on such a task alone as senoirs.They started washing everything down in the kitchen along with all the walls and all, then slowly worked their way to the front of the building where my chambers are located. Now ever building my company in some sort of peaceful Canadian environment, while world conflict is a foot once more, with the brewing of heavy war unless initiatives come forth soon, from United Nations Security Council.

Ink Brush Art Depicting The history Of Great Prophets From Our Human History Above

Shadows And Light My Way, Bounceing Off The Quebec Artist Jean Pierre Reapelle

            There is a lot to this image, I do not have time to explain it all. Sit back and study what you make of this through analysising my work of art as a whole image, with individual pieces like a chess game of humanity. Also bouncing off, ricko-shading style from an Indeginious Artist's  "The Scar Project", that can be found through Google searches. From older African  surreal Iconic art, to surreal Iconic Indeginious thought, to the dogma of religious thought.  Now approaching the time of Canadians Remembering our lost soldiers as our Canadian time of "Rememberance Day" the 11:00 hour, of the 11th day, during the 11th month emerging, as war brews across the middle East while the Ukraine and Russians battle it out. 

Rememberance Day Is Marching Upon Us As Canadians, With The True North Strong And Free, Since Our Shit Ass History Began Under The Era Of Sir John A  MacDonald And His Legacy As Prime Minister.

It Is Poppy Time Again !!! 

            It was around 2007- 08 when I first posted this piece of poppy art. Long time ago I told a Canadian Operative that I would be thier "Poppy Maker" for the Canadian Government, as they strive for "World Peace", stemming from our "Peace Tower Clock" in Ottawa. Which is running out of time with Global warming. To use the words, "Onward Christian Soldier" to save our Planet from what it has become, as a bit of a lost society. It is becoming more  and more essential that our younger generations of Canadian War Vets get what they need in up to date financing as Canadian Vets unionize in hope, faith, and charity together. Thus promoting as many poppy sales as we can, there for contributing as much as possible to modern War  vet mental health issues, like my own isues from what was cold war operations in the North Atlantic. Due to rising costs for catering as much as possible for Vets to meet the new demands of modern economics, while war is brewing around planet territorial religions intertwining with Governments in dispute. 

My Grandfather's Honour Of Service From WWI, I inherited His Scottish Nose For Trouble, As A Canadian Human "Hound Dog"For Government Needs, Bit Of A Wolvine Nightmare Around That Title. 

Books Of Assorted Faiths, Some How Intertwined With A Poppy, I Know Of One Canadian War Story, How In WWI, An Angel On A Horse Lead Our Troops Into A Battle. The Spirit Of Being In Canadian Soldiering  Is Precious

No Matter Where You Go On This Planet, People Generally Love Their Children, Some Are Brought Up In A Peaceful Environment, While Others Are Caught Up In A Holy War, Which Is Unjust


Monday, September 04, 2023

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol.XXI Edition VIII



Doc GM

            Here the end of August and rolling into September on Labour Day weekend, still alone too much around my Schizo/Genius type approach to my art and engineering, which has a hard time getting off the ground, to bring monetary rewards in the wallet. As much as I envisioned in art and engineering, I am still determined to succeed late in life, thanks to my survival skills as a mental health consumer with a solid education. With having electromagnetics being part of my education, I envisioned a proto-type from recycled parts. I took it to Politicians for help, having an education as a mental health consumer helped me through, to have the upper edge in life, while surviving in the mental health system. 

            The regional mental health clinic that I deal with, sees me in a bit of a different light, for what I went through standing up for the National Building Code, and becoming an angry man over it.  Now that I have backing, that I know what I am doing with a tool in my hand, and good at helping to solve engineering problems, I command a lot of respect. I figured out how sewer mains in my neighbourhood need tending too, as I was put to work to resolve a flooding issue, by a neighbourhood management of property team. 

            What to write? I have succeeded with my education somewhat, the cheque is to come! An Engineer that I have a lot of respect for, stated to me I am getting paid consulting with him. He is back working full time from part time, through my inspirational emails for endeavors with him like way back. He knows me, long before all my dark years of my mental health problems. Things I wrote on the Internet or felt during the dark years of my mental health treatment, bitter and angry with what my treatment plan did to me. Mental Health Workers were in denial of my media attention, and street gossip around me, told me I was hallucinating when I was not. I am still damaged goods from what the mental health system did to me with their denial of truths and reality.

            I am back painting my canvas for the art show at the Mental Health Clinic that I deal with, the original version was done studying a drawing, when in the Montreal psychiaric prison getting an evaluation for the Courts, when abused by the Canadian system. The Canadian Courts hold the colour of my mind against me through schizophrenia, as pre-judgement with and through our own stereo typical biggotry like any where else in the World. Accountability of what has gone on during my growth over the years must come about, to earn a decent living again without the psychiatric stigma. Canada always had to walk a thorny path as a member of NATO, while being open to our humanitary services to the World, no one country is perfect. It was once stated at United Nations that fellow members all said, yes indeed all Countries have illegal activities, which is becoming more and more obsolete with a Planet in crisis with Gobal warming. Everybody has to do their part to save a fair and just society, which is earned through hard labour of elected officials guiding us, which sometimes lead to war policing each other as countries. Our march with weaponary was always done, through being followers of what ever political regime that tries to work within the UN Security Council, or outside of its mandate. It does not make war right, where do we find a balance to deal with outlandish idealogies from the far right to far left, while serving up our humanitarian efforts for the less privilaged or those in crisis from destruction through war, over bearing politics, or natural destructive forces of the Planet. Due to what ever idealogies individuals are caught up in, who survives with who? We do not paint a pretty picture of ourselves as a society, trying to be a workable civilization in union, to save ourselves from ourselves. 

           I am trying to save myself with the odds of the mental health system against me, now with the evidense of osteoporosis in my hands from long term use of anti-psychotics, I got a phone call back from one of the over worked members of the mental health clinic. Finally!! Attention long over due around the state of my hands with osteoporosis. I knew what my Mother's hands were like with age and diagnosis, but she was a lot older for age with the condition, than I am presently in. I need a special treatment plan so I can continue growing somehow with this new aging process of schizophrenia upon me, to deal with my changing hands of osteoporosis and associated pain. With a visit to my Dentist, I got some teeth repaired during the morning on the last Monday of September, which is today. Still asking myself? How I fit into a bigger picture with this issue at hand, osteoporosis. I promised to just bang back the pills for the Court order, until seen for my hands next week. I admit to the mental health team that I have smoked pot along the way as a Canadian, it often helped with digestion, nerves, pain, and could be part of what ever bad side effects such as in prescribed medications and mixing them. It could have been affecting me in my fingers, while working a tool over the years and smoking and drinking after work, should not be dismissed as a cause. A lot of the time that was all I had, alone with my schizophrenia. I smoked a fair bit of pot in my life time, while popping pills, and taking injections, handicapping me or not. I did apply intelligence for survival over the years with going to school, it is just what comes out now with being later in life, as a person with schizophrenia caught up in the Courts, as a low income tax absorber for money. 

        The system allows me to just survive, with bad habits yes, as to my pot consumption. I quit cigarettes  for the most part, stay off them most of the time, and do not take alcohol any more. With recent need to steady my nerves, I have reached for cigarettes, but hold back from smoking the majority of time. I am fighting the system in the Courts, it does rattle one's cage, makes you nervous to be precise.  Got to head to the Pharmacy now, to take my pills infront of him/her, until later.... home again and feeling lost to the system. Years back I cried out on the Internet over not being able to function and write for extra paramidal side effects, I got through that and back functioning to produce. Now my past activities may be my end all for my joints, cold and damp and they are hurting coming home from the Pharmacy....I will leave it at that for now.

         I asked my Pharmacist for an anti pot smoking aid at one point, like the nicorette cigarette tube to suck on, with a interchangable charge of nicotine, which I used with the patch getting off tobacco. It is like I need a green one for pot to help me out, and save my lungs. It still feels like I still have to beg for help, in a more demanding over worked system in mental health. The over salivitation seems to be getting worse, it has been a sore point with me for a long time. My pillow still  soaks at night dripping on it, they say medication for side effect, but it do not taste too good putting under one's tonque.  Just another thing to deal with, wondering alone, trying to deal with medication levels and side effects for the Courts. 

        Going through the Courts, I onced said to a Judge, you want to pass your water on your bench through my filters. Well I am still caught up in processing my water some for the rust in the old pipes of the building. It could be saving me once again, even although I do not eat the best with my budget to economy. How I must try to process water, lack of financing to do it right, but struggling to do it, while not being able to afford bottled water at the end of the month. I can drink a lot of coffee during the day, just adding to my nervous situation as a coffee consumer, and worried what my life has become sipping coffee. Gossip spreads fast going to the Pharmacy every night, being seen popping the pills, the street gossip and all is getting a bit much. The arguements that I started, for one being told I proved that I am or was fit to breed, before I put forth the osteoporosis state of my hands to the system. I do not know what to make of it, why was I deemed unfit to breed in the first place, due to the schizophrenia issue? Phobias and schizophrenia run side by side, some people with schizophrenia make the news in another way that is not so pleasent. I got caught up in the system the wrong way with the Courts myself, while fighting for justice from my past during mental health years, defending the National Building Code, then with the media commenting on the situation with who I am after the fact, or became after the years.  Some believe in my water paper and engineering for me to succeed, thanks for that in my life, I am not totally alone.