Getting More And More Done Around My Apartment, Now That I Am Not So Medicated
Between doing odd jobs around the building I live in, like handling the garbage bins with the garbage truck crew, while starting up doing art again, with recycling as a theme. With some of my personal items, recycling and designing, I made a simple engineering drafting/art board, for today's accomplishment in the Montreal heat wave. Here is a picture of what I engineered for myself, as I forge ahead with my developed skills.
I am also recycling more by handling the garbage bins, taking out electric/electronics from the city garbage dump and water table, through taking them out of the trash bins for environmental concerns. There are people that stand by me, to do garbage with strict enforcement, to help save Garbage Collection Crews from dealing with lack of co-operation from community dwellers. How to sort out a mess of green, brown and grey building bins for recycling, garbage and composting, While all the unwanted garbage made from what is suppose to be recycled, is left for someone to sort out in adverse conditions. We all have to do a bit more to save ourselves and what has become the state of the planet. I was advised by medical care to join a gym, with the lack of financial resourses, I work a bit doing the garbage bins, and stripping down electrical household items that are put out to the curb. Taking the controls out of them while putting just plastic from the items in the recycling bin. I was given a garbage bin and I marked it for recycling electrics/electronics, to be recycled right
I more or less volunter to help with the garbage bins with the waste disposal team from the city. I bleach the bins for the white parasites in the street garbage containers, with a tool I recycled from the garbage and purchased a part to make it operational. I am trying to earn extra money from doing this physical labour once again. It was my GP in medicine that wanted me to get in a gym, I could not afford that at this time, so I am trying the physical labour handling the garbage bins for exercise. Then I also use an covid bio-spray on dwelling common door handles etc, I do not work for free, this is a much needed service. This building I live in has had its day, and needs leveled, rebuilt for apartments and electric charging stations for cars in a re-structured design and construction methods for 2022 standards and evironmental considerations.
The social and theraputic environment I am in now, is more founded with roots growing from March 2014 when I came to this neighbourhood. It has been a long haul trying to establish myself after long term care for 8 months, I will leave it as no comment at this point. The whole affair was stupid and unjust administering of the law. The mental health system failed me and the mental health act needs some hole patching and strenghtened out with a germ and virus act, in paraelle legislation for prosecution or defense of a mental health consumer for the Courts, or anyone one else for that matter.
Appairently people want to drag me through Court again, now that I am rising in popularity with people that see me trying to be a leader in handling the garbage bins on my street, while controling the white parasites in the bins. I built my life through the pyschiatrict shcool of hatd knocks, and blooming as something special instead of that stereo typed mental health consumer, that is the ugly duckling at first licks. I turn sixty two this August, and life is turning around into stability with a sound environment, working with the Pharmacist, Doctors, Nurses and Social Workers. I develope my own occupational therapy through pysical work and writing efforts on several papers to succeed once again and feeling myself worth out of it.
This piece of art was done when I was being processed through the Courts for an unfortunite arrest and due processing. Symbolic of breaking free from these chains of suppression, as depicted by a wall with a path through it, to some sort of break away from being confined with the stygma of mental health and ensuing bullying around it. My Father told me a bit, of how my brother bullied me around the wagon he made for us. I guess it never ended, and some sort of political might of bullying against me came about. I learned the hard way, I never knew what was going on around me with people that followed my brother, they deem me as their slave, or some dumb idealogy like this, and try to bully me into that position. How I rose to break free of this God awful mess I fell into, I will be getting retribution with time through the Courts, with a Social Worker Team aligned at my side to see me succeed. My tools and equipment I put together over time, since long term care, are going to pay taxes again !
I claim all money I make from tips doing, Dep and Tim runs for associates. They add up over a month as income and justifies my being, for doing some sort of work in my community, that took me in without judging the colour of my mind, through the grey matter of my brain, as to schizophrenia post mordome analysis. The mental health staff that over sees my life, how do I word it, do they really care about me or is it just a job for money? No one in mental health industry has ever got me a paying job, I did that on my own, hiding the mental health issues to get work. Psychiatrists that write medical forms for individuals, and the Government that issues the mental health cheques accordingly. The Psychiatrist can not even get the facts straight about unfit to work etc. For getting monetary income, the Psychiatrist signs your life away into poverty as a consumer of mental health system, one is written off as unfit for work. By what they write for a lame excuse for their patient to get money. If the mental health system really care about one like myself, who worked all my life while taking mental health medication, I would not have to argue my point at the age of 62. I am high functioning and fit for some sort of work as an engineering technician, but the system falsifies documentation that I am unfit for work. One can not live on a mental health provincial alotment alone, it is not enough money, Mental health staff get all the money for dragging me through the Courts for their bennefit to have a secure job, I am alone with my issues and the staff I deal with have no time for me. I get a home visit once a week for what ? Giving the mental health worker power to run my life with the Courts, and nothing gets accomplished but me popping pills, while fending for myself to earn extra money with the side effects of medication. I even had to argue my point with Social Services that I deal with, over claiming the money I make. I should get a pay cheque for teaching the system about claiming money one makes, and how to work the books with informing the Last Resort Income Agent in Quebec, all the money made during the month, no matter how little or how much. I should never had that arguement with mental health staff, the stupid blackmail around me is more of a handicap for getting work, not my mental heath condition or status. It is not my fault, where it seems half the country wants under the table money and pay no taxes, they never thought about provincial taxes and paying into a Provincial Government pension plan. All these jealous people over my provincial pension cheque, because they do not have, due to not claiming money made over "x" amount of years. Then when one gets caught not claiming money, they bitch at the Government catching them, like they are up to no good, collecting taxes etc from unclaimed revenue. This gives someone a good paying Government job in a well structured system, of taxes and tax refunds, while policing the same system of monitary rules and regulations, to catch the determined scam-artist. The scam-artist ends up in a senoirs residence like everyone else, but sharing a room with a person, with a welfare cheque of a income, pensioned off with nothing in money or assets due to having a life time of scamming, then maledies or old age sets in, just costing the socialist system much needed money, where it is needed the most for senoirs care, as we grow in elderly population and health care needs.
I can never retire with my present financial income, I have to work until I drop dead on the job or something just as stupid. I can not get my inheritance because of what my brother did to my Mother's estate and assets. It has been five years this coming Christmas since my Mother past away, I only have myself to care for with my limited income, until if and when I get my inheritance.
At the age I am now, I have come to realize how people in general, can not handle being corrected by a little schizo like myself. That applies to mental health workers as well, I can not be wrong over everyrhing, I am not as delusional as made out to be by the mental health system and the Courts. Why is it I have known more scammers on welfare than wholesome people that believe in paying taxes ? It boils down to having nothing for my labours, such as for the chores of cleaning the apartment and being the only one paying for cleaning products. I do the work around my shared apartment trying to keep it clean, while handling the garbage bins of this multi-unit building on garbage day, with the recycling truck or garbage vehical. Garbage and recycling services of the city are considered essential service, as to working with the the city crew and keeping the bins clean from these white parasites and other dirt that builds up in the bins, causing offensive odors from the city collection bins. Someone has to do this job for the building I reside in, it will have to be settled in Court, me against the Landlord of this building I live in. The building representative asked me if I wanted to work for him, I said yes with giving him my business card, but the landed immigrant decided no, putting his own kind from his country of origin, to work instead of me around the building. By voluntering one can get work by the reputation of the person doing the voluntering, volunbters higher amoung themselves as believing in volunteering.