War, Nobody Ever Liked War, Going Back To Abraham In The Scriptures Or Samson For Example, What Is The Orthodox Russian Church?
War has been part of our history since the beginning of our recorded time line, Cain and Abel, which is in the scriptures of years gone by, was an early recorded text of conflict and death. As to any point in history, countries go to war against each other for various reasons, as in the past we warred over water, oil , metals and food. Oil in the past was cooking oil, that the middle east warred over as population out grew it's self in the region, old caravans of produce moving around their supply lines over land mass of our Planet Earth. As Rulers came and went when they lost control to others, Empires rose, then came and went. As in the past, villages could be over come by Normadic Tribes as to ISIS in modern times. A lot of these people from the caravan routes were known to be Armenians as nomads, that have been condemed over time and even genocide of their people has been committed, while nobody really bats an eye about this issue, they were under Soviet type protection finding a homeland place. Like the Jewish folk after WWll, for they were under Allied protection finding a homeland.
All these people that want to protest the war with no real educational back ground, who is financing their protest ? Federal Government cheques for looking for work, my Premier of Quebec is looking for men or women workers to fill job oppitunities. Or are people, on the Quebec Premier's last resort income benefits protesting the war with hi/hers issued financial benefit. Here in my protest in writing, how do I put it? I am on Government money protesting my life situation like always. Here are some bullets :
- George W Bush spoke on the BBC and stated that if any one did anything for a certain Canadian, theitr would be war. As President he went into a Gulf War as a delusional Leader of the free world.
- In 1978 the old USSR went into Afganistan due to being sick and tired of truck loads of heroin being smuggled into their region throught the Kiser pass in the mountains, as part of a Global problem.
- Justin, the Canadian Prime Minister said to Donald Trump, get your guns out of my Country, what is Sir Putin as I dub him, tired of his black market and bodies in his morge gunned down by American guns and bullets smuggled in, or other manufacture of gun running ? Blackmarket money can be a lot of American money as well on the World market.,who is going to let the cat out of the bag to bring peace and safty to the young and aged alike.
- Well how do I put it, Bush got his stupid war as he wanted, and their Constitution backs the right to have the religion of your own belief system. Some American religious Leaders are delusional around religion, then they get to do what they want, even if it is a delusional belief system around the scriptures. Present time interpretations can point the wrong way, as to any other Country with religious problems, like my own Country.
- War over religion, riffs in the Church, who believes what? For what reason? Who brain washes who with religion for their own greedy purpose. As to CIA drug experiements in a Montreal hospital, any one can do this with drugs and alcohol to gain control of an individual to make them a black market slave, for under the table operations. People thristy for religion can be controlled the same way. Thus undermining a proper and just system, that always fails due to stupid idiotic Political Leaders that hide the truth, by not listening to his/her staff, but think they know best as supreme Leader of a political party and elected as such! Many a Leader was found with alternative personal issues, for becoming a World Leaders over time.
- Putin once said, "At least we are no Neo-Nazi's", well what, the KKK is USA backed swatika bearing people with there Hoods on and all, how to stop bigotry and spread more tollerance towards others? I have felt being bullied or shuned, it was for the colour of my mind, the grey matter of schizophrenia late in life, and as a skinny little runt of a child being pushed around and all, it never stopped!
- The States have a lot of American based demented cults, that tries to spread its web around the globe like a game of "Risk". Wako, Texas demented cult that made Canadian News is one, I think somehow like our very own RCMP. Where there is one there is more!! We will hunt them down and keep them out of out true North strong and free, as others try to do with military might, eg: this demented thought of Merlin Preist around me.
- Bush went into Iraq destablilising the middle east for American selfish gain under his Leadership. Why did Bush hate me so? I got his comments once.
- I saw a News clip where ex President Bill Clinton said, "God sent him to us?", who may I ask was he refering to or about what? On American paper money, does it not say, "In God We Trust", who's God, what God, where the hell do I dine with this American God?
- How many bullets do you want?
Here I sit getting some lunch time News and something to eat, CP rail is taking some strike
action and the Government may put forth back to work legislation. Then you take, my Psychiatrist says I am not fit to work, even although I always worked and still work building my pension plan, against all odds. This dumb system is failing, I know it, the people know it and we have some sort of sick tatooed Leader in Ottawa, Canada, committing political interferance around me. The Prime Minister stole my words, "....Where is the Health Canada certified tatoo ink tank?" I started that on the streets of Montreal and idiocracises of Justin used my words and still doing me in with suppression under his Leadership. Did he pay GST on his shoulder tatoo he got?. People are sick of it!!! He did not bother to contact me, maybe because of jealousy or a sick mind as a political Leader I guess, he still used my words, from my budget to his, he could have asked me to write a speach for him about the issue.
Now we will lead onto the riffs in the Churches over the war in the Ukraine, in a bit, I have to get back to some physical labour to prove I am fit for work and to breed, compared to the idiots that have called me "Schizo" etc, what I went through to work as a mental health consumer. I admit, I am effective at being Schizo! I will continue in building a pension of some sort with my company through my education level, either in Canada or else where. Really, how to be a real spectulator on Putin's blood type, I would be royally pissed if people started speculating about my blood type on the Internet. I openly put up on the Internet my blood type and some truths about blood work from my grade 10 biology class. To bring the Church into this, at one time with pre-marrige lessons or groups, part of it was getting a blood test for compatiblity for breeding with, what ever. Some do, some do not, why did we loose gene mutation correction factor in humans, I tried to read the medical paper on the subject regarding rats. Yea the little rat I am, when I get to breed I will have human gene mutation correction factor, due to knowing what I am talking about. While being married in a Church as request by one Lady that tries to charm me.!!! Some Father's are saying to me, my daughter is interested in you, I feel good about all this charming late in life with no children of my own. One problem, all the political interferance and blackmail around me.
With the Ukrane and Russian conflict, what is one to do? My Father had a role with the Canadian Military and Father like Son, here is who my Father was:
This plack from "The American Society of Mechanical Engineers" was presented to my Father for his engineering papers that he wrote. The date on the plack is April 1971, that was my grade 6 in elementry school year. I never knew, I was too young to know. It is on the News about Doctor's without Borders are working with combat zones, where ever there is a Doctor Without Borders, there is a whole team, inclusive of Engineers Without Borders, which I am an associate member of as an Engineering Techncian and playing my role at home cleaning up my water through research engineering. Which is applicable with the Canadian Military Disaster Assistance Relief Team, for cleaner water to supply as required, where they are deployed, as I started with my at home system with filters. Even DART can fall short of needs for the people, while they try to get clean water in a combat zone as for themselves and others. In the same light, the Military has to control the black market in a combat zone. It was on the News once , how a lot of United Nations Personal, all agreed that every country has an under ground illegal activity. Most countries kick into Interpol, the International Team of Police Officers trying to control the International flow of contraband goods, human smuggling, street drugs and guns. This is also a reason for war between countries to happen, I am tired of some of the bull shit I get in my face, while not being allowed to earn a proper living due to political interferance and with Psychiatrists marking me for unfit for work!!! How shall I put it, "Hey honourable Sir Putin, exodus, would you take me in as an effective schizo, I come with educational back ground in engineering. My company, Creations Doc GM in Quebec, Canada, just want to earn a pay cheque. North America will not let me, or may be I could serve under Her Majesty the Queen of England, earn some money doing something with my company for Her Domain !!! Who all wants to follow me to a promised land with good water through science and gene mutation correction factor in humans, I know something about breeding in humans by Godly demise.
Hey Justin, what is this you got over me, why don't you put the black polish on your face again and come spin a yarn with me and my buddies. You know what is around me Justin? Now back to the business of the day. I did not know what this was all about, I almost died under Justin's reign instead of succeeding.
Below is a painting I am working on, seeing is believing for some people. What did I ever do but try to for fill my Canadian Coast Guard mandate, as to the role I was to play from a pre-arrangement agreement under contract. So here is a peace of war art:
I am up and at them, early this fine Sunday morning. Getting my first morning radio broadcast, what I heard was an insult to our lovely Newfoundlanders in this Country. The unjust, that Justin is running with corruption like the old Harper years. Another Politiician I got to put in their place, this Justin holding the Prime Minister's office of this Country, If I know what I am writing about, why is it no one will hand me a small contract for some engineering, or buy some art off me, return phone calls. Now I got people in denial they know me on the phone, when I have worked for them in the past. Which Politician is releasing what to the media, information that there is no such thing as "spinning a yarn". Get over to Gander and discuss this issue with the Baymen or Townies of Newfoundland. While making sure that you bring along a case of Newfoundland Sqreech, they most enjoy a little nip while spinning yarns about the environment or what ever. While nipping it out in a heated debate on, who is insulting who in this Country the most. Due to people never taking the time to learn something of the Country they reside in, as supposely Canadians, but with alternative reasons for getting elected. Instead of dealing with the political domestic issues, along with those abroad to keep Canada's economy running at all costs. Justin Trudeau is still a child in a man's shoes, with wife and children and there is a war on. Where ever I go to earn a living, there is political interferance to stop me, just like during the Harper years.
An example of political interferance from Justin Trudeau, when he was in New York at United Nations speaking, he refered to a certain Canadian saying that "He is a Merlin Priest for now,", for some reason I do not think he was refering to something honourable, what is this Trudeaus's demented belief system pinning this Merlin Preist title on someone as a tattooed bearing person. What, "tattooed into the faith of time" or something stupid like others? The Chineese Representative spoke after Justin on the news clip and stated there is no such thing as a Merlin Preist. Someone once said to me, that this is a real life game of Dungeons and Dragons, played by idiots using people for roles and individuals are not aware of what is going on. Even Hillory Clinton on her Canadian book tour, she said "there is no such thing as a Merlin Preist, he is an Engineering Technician." That hits close to home, since I am a Engineering Technician and a dead buddy of mine once said to me when asked," Who is this Merlin Preist?", with knowing something he pointed the finger to me. Funny how this came out and who started it with what delusional mind and financial backing for a delusional belief system, around a made up game of life, boiling down to Justin's delusion as Prime Minister around a Merlin Preist!!!
Boots on the Ground All Over The Place, Want "Pro-Per-Pay" For Labours, We Do Not Load Our Sixteen Tonnes And Go Deeper In Debt
All these that protest with big rigs, like a good buddy of mine said when I asked, "Are you protesting with your rig, you just bought it?". His response was, "Hell no, I got bills with having wife and kids, I can not afford the wasted fuel!" So who is protesting and how/where for what alternative motives. I worked the trucking industry as a youth, during a summer in high school, later in life I worked a long haul chain smoking staying awake, to make sure the driver on the open highway stayed awake. When he got to city limits and changing gears, I got my nap before the morning work!! Enough is enough, the cost of all this to keep certain industries running, moving containers of imported goods and equipment. Items to be sold or machinary assembled by a foreign crew, while teaching young Canadians to be millwrights how to assemble thier machinary container by container, like building houses in Newfoundland from containesr. It is all steel boot work, such men do not like their kick ass foot wear to be messed with the World over! Soldiers on both sides of the war are in there steel toe kick ass marching boots that I know only too well. May as many of these kick ass boots at the war front, one day lay down their weaponary to pick up a hoe and shovel to help till the soil in some fashion, to save the multitudes of this Planet, the best way we can!!! A Psychiatrist I presently deal with, is unreasonable to the point of delusion. (she increased a certain medication level, now I am with more of a morning hangover and hard to function, I do not know what is going on with my pills, they are nuts making me pop all these pills) She will write me fit to work, then I will loose my medical benefits, it is like she could not plan a slow transistional program that I am slowly fit for some work to earn money, bit by bit, while being monitored in mental health follw up as stipulated by the Courts. Even although I am allowed to earn money on welfare/last resort income and always claimed my income through my company. My Psychiatrist could not reason with me, she made me fustrated instead!!! This afternoon I will talk to a Last Resort Income Officer in Quebec, about the same thing to see how I make out, compared to a conversation with a Psychiatrist and her side kick, a Masters of Social Work from today's meeting. The grey matter in my mind from schizophrenia and the stigma of mental health is a handicap with it's self, even when wearing my steel toe boots or shoes to earn extra money like I always did.
Newer Art To Older Art Of Mine, Let Earth Have Some Philosophical Order
I did the "Buddha Philosophical Order" art in a war zone of arguing here in Montreal in my Urban Jungle, fighting for justice around the National Building Code as a Canadian. I am still fighting on, as a Christian Soldier, being a bit of an Iconic Slum Priest/Minister of the faith, through an art and culture story, with a unfortunite binocular twisted effect. I have made believers through conversation. At least I have some morals and ethics when trying to do business with my company. For some reason, not to many people are willing to do business with me, where does the blackmail end around me. By gettimg out of the country and screw the North American free market of blackingmailing stupidity around me. One can not keep a good man down, just as well moving my company to a Russia and Pacific Rim alligence, to have a living and work while being a mental health consumer, building a better pension plan than I can in Canada.
The newer painting, the call for peace through a mushroom cloud, is a work of art in progress. I will be watching for the next G20 summit and who is all at the table. I want to work and who in Canada is paying who to make sure I can not be an effective tax payer once again, as a mental health consumer. Who has been ostrasized the most in Harper's, then Trudeau's Canadian political regime, who are the ones that abuses the power of the office, to mess with me the wrong way. As a small buisness person, I can not keep loosing my shirt like other business' that struggle, with the stupity of Government abuse doing me in, instead of stimulating some baby economic grow around me. I get the continued plate of dished out crap through Government sabotage.
Who is out there slandering me and my feeling for "World Politics, I am fed up with this stupity. I did not only read American publications, and watched their movies and all, like as to the majority of lititure etc in North America. Watched oriental movies with subtitles. along with consuming my fair share of Canadian works of art. I have read Maxism, pulled Russian ball bearings from old machinary in Canada and had to order new ones, I have shared a brewski with Russian sailors during the cold war. We were watched by RCMP National Security, CIA and the USSR's KGB, all playing a cat and mouse game on who is who in a cold war. Warring never ended around me, at least I have learned someting about other nations and business capabilities of the World's resources and I am a resourse of ideas to earn money. By way of my intelligencia and practical application of it on the job, creating economic stimulas, through various cost effective proto-types, is what we have to do for controlling economic growth. The States and thier criminals "Protected Species" hiding out in Canada, I am fed up, even more so that I have an American wanted criminal as a roommate and I can not get him to Court. Due to more American bullshit in my face somehow. Something about him teaming up with an old rebel flag mob soldier in Canada, whom I nailed red handed putting up gyprock over old plaster. There is a lot of talk on the stupity with what is going on. I will end up facing them all down, through getting to protect my human rights as a schizo that works a tool and earns a living like the majority of the populus. Even if it is outside of Canada, along with others like women and children from the war front. Some people never learn, I am no slave to an American "rebel flag and my brother", their stupidity and what has come out with demented cults as mentioned in the News, go guess who started the war, and real people got to pick up the pieces through United Nations.
Here I am getting my morning News once again on my TV set, through my recycling and making a TV antenna, I pick up more stations than other people I know that use antennas . So I got the News that Troops moved into Burma, to squash pro democracy movements, how old was that clip? The name Burma is the old country name.. The whole affair is all about how democracies have become too corrupt. I am not allowed to succeed as a mental health consumer because of our Prime Minister, why else can I not earn money for a living with my company. His family's mental health issues are not mine, so leave me alone Justin, I do not need your political interferance at this point in my life. As I heard, Russia and China nurture their borderline schizophrenia/genuis' to build nations with, as within the "Laws Of Their Land". Here in North America, one like me gets done in by corrupt politicians suppressing me and Doctors saying I am delusional. The want-to-be worker that is not allowed to work, for earning a living with my education is like ungodly in this country, due to a poverty cast system of political delusion around a "Merlin Preist". I demand my "Freedom From Canadian Suppression", I have beome a role model for succeeding against all odds, but with no money in it for me, this Liberal communism under "Justin's Tatooed Reign" over me that has to stop. As to my non tatooed situation and need with want to work, which I do not work for free. It is like the Federal Government wants me to sit around popping psychiatric drugs, doing nothing but comsuming Quebec's much needed tax payers revenue, I contacted my Federal MP about revamping the Mental Health Act for it has failed me, an educated man. All because of Justin's first pick for Governor General, implicated in a conspiracy to do me in. It was all over my engineering, that I emailed to Canada's Space Agency, before being made homeless during Harper years. Justin is only another Harper in power trying to play God over me for selfish personal gain, with their personal delusion around who and what I am. I do not think one can find any referance to a "Merlin Priest" in the Russian Orthodox Church. Something for me to look into further! I do a bit of religious art as an Artist, I have studied theology in the arts, what is an Iconist, producing art for the Church, which I do in a small way.
There it is on the radio I am being sent to prison, "so fucken what, been there done that", communist bullshit in domcracy, it is better than living like the way I am. In isolation as an outcast in society with no one, living a life in poverty because I am not allowed to earn a living by bullshit psychiatry over me. I know how to survive in prison, been there already. People forgot, one can not go to prison without a trial, while having a Lawyer and a Judge with a Crown Prosecutor in a Court Room. The Mayor of Montreal was quick witted with saying to the effect, that Justin is committing political interferance around her office. We are even getting a new Police Chief in Montreal soon. It is the Mayor's island not Justin's!!!
The Ukraine Was Always Known For Their Intricate Easter Egg Painting, Here are Some Of Mine From Way Back And Now Lost
It Was A Work Of Art In Progress, Easter Is Coming Around Again, What Type Of Egg Should I Paint This Time Around ? In This Next Piece Below, The Mushroom Cloud In Nothing But The Earth With The Elements Of Night & Day
I lost what I wrote, go figure, Government or hackers ? My accident on the key board or a bit of both to hide, through erasing mental health criticism? So I will post it again, Doctors falsifing medical information around me because they do not know how to write, so they say that I am not fit to work. What is one suppose to do? Be at home and do nothing but going to pop psychiatric pills infront of the Pharmacist and take injections for something to do, the Courts even go to the extent to force this upon me with no rational discourse about paid work or doing something with my life. There it is on the radio again about putting me in prison, preconcieved notion about me, how would I even get a fair trial at this point? I have 9 people deciding my fate with the Courts and stupidity of doing me in. I even have a conflict of interest between Doctors and me. Why is it Psychiatrist's do not know how to work towards getting the facts straight around me. They are button pushers and use team members uselessly. Nothing has been accomplished 3 months into, the Psychiatrist having to report to a Judge in 6 months, from Dec 20 2021, except making me more of an angry person from the way I am treated by Medical Professionals. The count down is on for me to try and make more money with my engineering and/or art. Even although the expert witness for the Courts, "The Psychiatrist" says I am unfit for work. Then again I do house work, art work, there is school work I have done, presently doing some Church work, I bartared for work, it is work getting out of bed, to get out for work! But I am not allowed to work, for some stupid reason. This blog is literary work of writing and editing with some illustrations, but I am not allowed to earn money at it.
Waking moments, I am heading for jail is on the radio, so what! It seems like I was never wanted by society, otherwise I would not be in this mess!!! Just another way to steal my engineering ideas and get me out the way!!! North America suppression of me never stops, all I get is deemed delusional around my proto-types in engineering and have to pop psychiatric pills with taking antipsychotic injections for what is like a corrupt system. Out to do me in with nine members of a psychiatric team, with the side effects of said medication administrated to me. They are getting paid by Quebec tax dollars to find problem with me, just so they have a job. While nothing gets accomplished but me popping a motherload of pills and getting injections as a lame excuss to justify a chemical psychiatric treatment plan. While being deemed unfit for work and consuming precious tax dollars at about $5 a pill with a $500 injection. This life has no meaning, while the great escape of ending it all creeps into place, who would miss me? In long term care I wrote about suicide and I should not have at that time. I have no one still, I sit alone like always, just like in long term care, with a phone that never rings. It is dumb what has transpired around me! Questioning life, I have made arrangements to dicuss Doctor assisted suicide with an appropiate medical individual, it will give me something new to write about, while swaying the debate. I have suffered enough under the hand of psychiatric medicine and I am not being alone with it any more. Where ever I reach out, it is like it is a conflict of interest or cold shoulder propped up against me.
My fustrations come out in my writing, it is hard to edit it all, sitting with nothing and still being a strong influence in the systemic gossip around me. I do have valid business interests but no one likes to get back to me for some reason. I grew up on the first TV war, Veitnam, I sit here watching another TV war in the Ukraine. How do I word things now? Why am I alone with someone messing with my food and water, walk to the pharmacy five days a week, popping pills for the Courts infront of the Pharmacist. My food goes missing, my water filtering process is tampered with, so it makes me worry about my food, loss of appetite sets in! Who all backs this stupitidy in Canada? Obviously pointing the finger, where do I point it? I caught a roommate red handed at my water the other night! Nobody cares or do they? My life has a personal war in it, where it should not.
So how do I really feel about war, my Father told me his old stories from WWll, if the concept of war is instilled in one at a young age, through histroy books, media footage or family ancentury. You can be harden to the unwarrented violence of war, how ever it is being done. Take for example, the infighting within my apartment, to the infighting of Quebec politics, and at Municiple levels. Toppling off on what has become infighting of Federal stages, propping up what, on the Internation level, as to what is suppose to represent Canada, as refugees get the welcoming mat. While I am still trying to find a life here at 62, with some sort of decent budget, as a son of landed immirgrants. Let me move my room to something more profitable, and someone can evolve through this environment as I did, to grow out of it with a bit if ingenuity through education. Can not do it here, any buddy got a welcoming mat for me somewhere? Exodus out of hell!!!
Some load of editing to do, repetative writing of fustration with my life. Here Sunday after Church I caught two high profile Canadian Politicians, promoting my presence on TV, as a political hot potatoe, that I have become. No money in it yet, hopefully soon. No person is a island in the middle no where, sorry I am on the island of Montreal and it is somewhere, it is just how do I fit into it all. It would be nice to have a woman's ear to converse with, it is like a taboo around me by someone else's hand, that prevents this type of thing from occurring in my life.