
Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XX Edition ll

Doc GM

Started Filtering My Water, Invested In My Tri-Layer Filters Once Again, Along With Water Processing Equipment

            With being a bit worried about the results of a blood test, I started trying to eat better and process my water to make coffee, use as cut for juice or to have filtered water for cooking. The way I was concerned with my health after my GP Doctor advised me that I had some problems with some of my blood work, I took the warning and started filtering my city water again. Every now and again I take weights and measures for varifing the density of the water at my room temperature and humidex etc. I am going to invest in other water testing equipment as I go along. With the digtal era upon us, some people agree on the paper I started writing as a document in Google Drive. It got around to a few people and I did get some positive feed back on what I put together so far.

                                          Putting together my paper is time consuming and a lot of work, while processing water and taking notes, on the filtering process of water at the same time as a lab report, which I am trying to get financing for. This is the third time I put together a "water table" as seen below, for my process of filtering water, thus for the benefit of my health, along with being a form of therapy with keeping busy and exercising muscles through lifting and manipulating the 4 L jugs or 18.9 L pig tank. I know I am on to something with what the filters trap. I still incorporate paper coffee filters into my process, it was the way I started filtering water with no money. With getting the material and paying to get my tri-layer filters sewn up, I totally blew this months budget, money disappeared fast with having to purchase some vitamin suppliments as well, just to be sure I make inprovement in body chemistry by next blood test. 

                I want to exercise more while eating better, everything went wrong when I was heavily sedated with a chemical treatment plan in psychiatry, with no form of activity. I handled things myself to be less sedated so that I could think and process thoughts better, to produce in some way during the day. Processing my water is a start, I have two small weights that I intend to to put to work soon. I bought an execise mat some time back when I had money, with places opening up from being shut down from covid, perhaps I should look into a group exercise somewhere. How do I make claims about how I feel on the multi-time filtered city water, done in paper filters and my tri-layer fabric filters, for the water  I am consuming these days. To think if faith healers of the past, had access to the cleanest base water, soft as to hard water, Montreal had a famous faith healer, was it his water well as a religious figure, that healed his people like Moses in Exodus, Ash Wednesday is March 2nd 2022, religious dates from our oral and written traditions, water is mentioned in "revelations" 17:14-15, war brings dirty water like we know, we have now multitudes of environmental concerns, surgical water, demineralized water, distilled water, USP Purified Water, city tap water, filtered water, bottled water by various companies with their chemical make up on the side in the labeling. Water, water every where, but who's do I drink?

            Anyway, it has been a while since I wrote due to getting my exercise moving snow and chipping with salting ice, my frozen water situation as a Canadian, like everyone else close to the poles, we all call it winter. Then of course with my expertise in winters from being a child and still in good physical form here in the northern climate, my company is expanding turf so to speak. With the war on in the Ukraine, in a way I am heart broken like everyone else, the desire for peace is no doubt the weight on the majority of people's shoulders and minds right now, the planet's water table does not need the residual gun powder in the heavens and coming down as our acid rain in our lakes, streams, rivers and oceans, it is bad enough already. Then again, their is a reason for the war, at least now appearently everyone in the political arena seems to agree that some demented research in the region, that consumes too much un-necessary electricity, when I do have some cheaper ways in engineering concept to generate electricity. Yes, cooler than nuclear plants! No one owns me now so to speak, what was done to me ? I never knew, what all people did with their demented thought over jealousy of me, the ugly duckling that somehow turned into a "Golden Canadian Engineering Techci Beaver", that still needs a good woman to love and grow with as my company grows  under my label.

           Enough is enough, I am getting my News time, CBC war breifing like other Canadians, well it is going to take time to shut down that electricity consuming reasearch, that I am burdened to know about, electricity will have to be re-routed to a source of energy consuming constructive industry, health and medicine work, with aligning induustries, along with constructive scholastic education systems, inclusive of morals and ethics in all referances of study!