Year End Blog Posting for 2021
2021 has been quite the year, four years since Mum passed away and twelve years since Dad passed, both in the month of December, how I really grew into my manhood as a older man alone with no blood familhy in the country that I care to think or write about. I do have my street family around me from the people I got to know in the neighbourhood, from when I moved in after long term care March 2014. Now I am AKA Slim, Shady, Doc to identifing myself as Wee Iain at times. I have accomplished a lot this year and now under a treatment plan for mental health at a different hospital from the one where everything went wrong and I was dragged through the mental health Courts, for I do not know how many years wasting precious tax dollars. (once again, same thing different flavour, Psychiatrist ruining my life and wasting tax dollars on an excessive chemical treatment plan)
As a result of my last day in mental health Court on Dec 20th 2021, through writing my defense for the Court, my Lawyer got me to be a volunteer patient again, thus setting a precident case where I was the first mental health consumer to win over a Psychiatrist in Court appearently. The Honourable Judge in her deliberation referred to to me as an Engineering Technician, Artist and Writer, (I do not know what is going on, I think I was lied to about Court results, no one cares about the truth! It is all lies and bull shit around me,why am I being pumped full of drugs again?) was quite the compliment after all I have been through in the Canadian mental health system, after I once wore a uniform in the capacity that I did in my youth. With what was instilled in me from that precious experience of training and serving in the Canadian Coast Guard, before entering the mental health system, gave me the upper edge to succeed. The self discipline that came with serving in uniform for training and service experience was the backbone of my survival tactics in mental health, while getting to peak again in my engineering and art career that I have developed over the years. My writing skills have come along way, with the enhanced writing skills due to schooling and practical experience blogging going on 18 years now, I am doing a lot of writing on my chromebook as documents on various subjects. (I will be doing some writing on euthansia after some research on the subject, when I do the Doctor assisted sucide, I will finally be free of the Courts and psychiatry, I am turning 62 and want no more suffering at the hands of psychiatry)
Then there is the art I am still doing, while having a rotating art show in my neighbourhood for barter to help maintain the premises where my art is hanging. (Which no one wants due of my Court history and women getting me arrested) I have done clay work recently, which I have not done in a long time. I have to start giving away clay work and art for I have really no place to keep it where I presently reside, canvases take up room to store and covering them in paint does not come cheap like everything else. The writing I am doing in the form of documents that revolve around my spiritual salvation from spiritual leaders that I have access to, assitting me in my ongoing path to my salvation that I started trodding on in the homeless missions of Montreal close to a decade ago. This path has also given me some enriching reading material, helping me to get back reading now that I finally got proper bi-focul glasses to see and read with less of a handicap. (It was all a waste of time, nobody wants any thing to do with me for work, due to background checks and the Courts, euthansia is looking more and more actractive)
It was always a handicap being in mental health as well, I remember trying to accept the diagnosis of schizophrenia and when meeting people for the first time, I would say my name and state that I was schizophrenic, which was wrong to say as my peers at the time said, it was my early years in mental health. As friends and associates changed over the time, from during my early years of mental health when people stood by me in my home town and most of them now have wives and kids now. That is about the only thing left to do, to bang out some children with a loving woman. (which will never happen, the Psychiatrist stated she does not care about my sperm, but epival and clozaril does do in a man's sperm count, like regulat Hitlers doing in schizos) I need and have a calling for raising a child of my own with a loving woman, Things take time now that I am a volunteer patient (I was lied to, hopefully I will get a copy of the Court results) in mental health again, not drinking alcohol orsmoking cigarettes, the Judge in Court was alright with me saying that the pot helps me relax and is a pain kller for my sore souls of my feet due to using steel toe boots most of my life. I am still wearing steel toe shoes a lot and have steel toe boots to slowly get back to work with more and more hours while under a new treatment plan in mental health. (Now, this can not be done due to new idiot Psychiatrist's medication arrangement and levels on me)
The following image was done through inspiration from a zoom art group I was part of, I put it together after a meeting on zoom, illustrating what some health follow up is being done or a form of occupational therapy for mental health consumers during covid and its varients. (Now I just sit in my room thinking how I have been robbed of a life, tired of trying to get one, while planning euthansia)
Automated Health Care