Why Do Certain People That One Has To Deal With, Make Arguements Out Of Nothing
Once in the recent past, it came up that someone I dealt with needed a new power bar for the one he had became useless and not operating. I told him to pass it to me to have a look at. I put a tool to work when he gave it to me and I opened it up, I vacuumed out the unit when it was open. Re-assembled it and low and behold it worked again. It is the same principle of keeping electrical boxes clean, that supply electricity for our daily needs, so they work right under acceptable norms and it is not to be argued about. But of course I recently had to argue this point to varify voltage in a older building. The arguement was dumb and uncalled for, what because electricians do not come cheap on the pay role, even when they are needed some building owners will not put up the bucks to pay an electrician to maintain electrical systems. That is why there is a thing as a maintenance electricity licence with schooling and the Regie de Batiment in Quebec. I used to have an apprentice maintenance electricity licence when I was younger. When I was being done in by sabotage, I could not afford the fee to keep them up. I have had Canadian schooling in electricity, and paid my fees to keep them up for the longest time.