
Thursday, February 11, 2021

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. XlX Edition lV

I Am Getting A Lot of Support As A Mental Health Consumer Which I never Had Years Back

            The treatment plan and team that follows me now, as a mental health consumer, has more contact and better communication with me, which has me less angry over the stygma which was present in psychiatric  professionals that were treating me in the past. I will leave it at that, we have come to terms of endearment and sorting out what I was not delusional about, such as making a name for myself in engineering and the arts. As a end result I am not as nervous and working with the treatment team, to quit all smokables now that my lungs have taken a beating over the years.
            I started smoking when I was in high school at the age of fifteen, when I was working as a newspaper delivery boy for a Montreal publication and this led to smoking other things as a minor and adult. I wanted to be like my Father and pinched some of his tobacco and a rolling paper and rolled my first cigarette and smoked down by the household furnace to hide the smell and not being scene in public smoking a cigarette at my age. The end result was taking sick and woofing my cookies from the nicotine on a young lad, it was like heroin to me and I was soon buying my own with my news paper money. Ironically at the time, I did not know that Dad started at the same age working in the ship yards of Scotland doing his apprenticeship in marine engineering during World War ll. Dad even conceived me on his nicotine fix while with Mum, he smoked pretty well up to the end of his life and was very difficult for him to quit. 
            Being a lot like Dad genetically, with the want to be like him, I was conceived with a charge of nicotine from his sperm as a baby by some early 2020 medical information that I came across. I do want to surpass Dad's age and I posted my ink pen Lion head, as a Leo leader that I am to quit smokables for Lent which starts February 17th on ash Wednesday. Hopefully I will succeed in quitting the bad habit as a Leader to inspire others to quit as while. 
            Here it is Ash Wednesday and I got registered with a stop smoking group through the hospital system. I have cut back what I smoke during the run of a day, it is a start to getting the patch with follow up during March. I already do certain activities to occupy time with my hands, keeping them busy productively instead of the hands being busy playing with a cigarette in a ash tray as a nervous habit, With Covid 19, I actually stopped smoking out side and always wore a mask when walking about, except having a coffee and a smoke with a friend out side in a park with a safe distance between us. This time I am not alone with trying to quit, I have certain people around me that communicate through, telephone, email and zoom to help me quit during Covid 19 lock down.