It Has Been A While Since I Have Been Off Court Ordered Injections And Back On Pills While Still Dealing With Demented Cults That Refer To Me As Their Merlin Preist
Since just before the Tribunal hearing on May 25th 2018, I got my Psychiatrist to put me back on pills instead of the Court ordered injections.Like I stated at the Tribunal the injections were stupid,costing Quebec tax payers up to $1000/month compared to about $50/month for pills. My Lawyer and my Psychiatrist said I did well at the Tribunal hearing and should be liberated next year. In the legal argueing my Lawyer said to my Psychiatrist you want me to play 13 years of media in a court room,people are going to go to prison for went on around me. Like the Tribunal said to me when I had a chance to explain myself, "we have to look into this",referring to why I got arrested and ending up in Court with a defense Lawyer with no money to defend me right against my accusser for harassment charges. How does one take on the media and demented cults around me when they seem to be intertwined. Obviously demented cults have infiltrated the media with delusional personnel and their Merlin Preist concept around me,which I am making head way on. Appairently people want to sue me for what I have wrtitten but then again I have counter law suits if they try and mess with me.Now I am hearing that my Google money is held in trust because of what Bush and Harper did.It was on Canada AM when it was airing that Google Canada had $24 million for me from what they skimmed off the take of Google money. Then there issue of Godly Pregnancy tests pointing to me which I had nothing to do with. I am hearing more and more of it all the time. Now I hear someone wants to sue me over what I wrote about it, what because I totally ridiculed the concept on my blog and in Twitter. I even heard rumours about Google money and getting pregnant on my street once. Even when I took my Mum to the hospital for a blood test once,I over heard the Nurse say to the out patient in the blood clinic,"where is your husband?,the patient responded with,"Oh I went Godly Pregnancy Test". The Nurse responded with "Well get out of this hospital then". It is stupid what has gone on, more and more people are becoming aware of reality of North America as they talk and use multimedia services. Then there are the blackmail and threats around me, people are fed up,they want to do business with me! I have some work that does not really pay, it is hard to move art but I have my engineering proto types that can stimulate the economy and put a bill in a lot of people's pockets. Like it was on one radio station ,the Premier spoke and said that this surpression of Wee Iain has to stop. Ever since I stood up for the Canadian Shipping Act and National Building Code it is like all hell broke loose. Like it was on TV I will be rewarded for standing up for what is right on these two occassions. I never knew people were out there rising against me when I was innocently out earning a living,now that I am on disability pension I got to know what was going on in the media around me, I never knew. This stupid stand off around me that I am a Merlin Preist, where do we point the finger what started this suppression of my intellect and ability to try and pay taxes through my company. Someone is going to have to pay for it,people that have the time to listen and watch the media are starting to become aware of what has been brewing for a very long time.