
Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Will Be Trying To Stop Smoking Again Today After a 2 Hour Appointment At The Montreal Chest Hospital
Well my appointment at the Montreal Chest Institue as to the sign out side went well. First I had to get a hopital card with identifing myself with my picture ID Quebec medicare care. With that card in hand I got properly registered and recieved all the due paper work in my hand for the appointment. First I got sent to chest x-ray on my lungs and while waiting for the x-ray I started filling out about a ten page questionaire on my personal smoking habits.There was the standard two position x-ray of the lungs, one flat against the x-ray machine and a side x-ray of the lungs. Then it was off to the blood test clinic, as I sat waiting for the blood test I continued to answer the smoking questionaire. The blood test was done quickly enough and back to the main waiting room. My name was called while still answering questions about my smoking habits and I went off to blow into the lung machine wo different measured blows into the machine, then after the second long blow I started coughing up flem a bit at the end of the blow and had to work at controling my smokers hack. I was given the print out and sent back to the main waiting room to be interviewed by the Nurse with my completed questionaire.After a coffee and a wait talking to a fellow out patient about this Ottawa riot that was on the morning radio News. The Nurse took my answers to the smoking habit questionaire and reviewed them her self before calling me into her office. Then I discovered I had the pleasure of working with a student Nurse and her supervisor. After the discussion on the question about how I felt about giving up smoking I stated that when put away in psychiatry over the bit then I went with out smoking for about three weeks on stage 1 of the psychiatric ward easy enough before being on stage three where one is allowed off the ward to smoke.I was given stop smoking paphlets and information to help me stop smoking. I did discuss my mariquna consumption over the years like my cigarette habit and how it was the white leisons in my mouth that was a concern for my Dentist. The student Nurse checked the carbon monoxide in my blood by getting me to hold my breath for a bit then blow into a machine. I cranked a big 43 ppm where a normal non smoker would be about 6 ppm. Further discussion went on how I felt I was not totally ready to give up smoking due to how I get nervous with the media attention around my Internet presence and how Harper and his demented cult will not let me have female media personalities in my life that I dub Poisonettes even although they want somet5hing to do with me along with how the Psychiatrist thinks I am delusional about my media attention as an Internet Artist/Writer.Soon it was back to the main waiting room again to wait to see the Doctor and the Supervisor Nurse giving me a nicotine lozenge. After a bit I was then taken by the Doctor that reviewed my file, he said my lungs are still in good shape,he recommended the nicotine patch and the lozenges. When leaving the reception desk he once again mentioned the E cigarette and how I could have that for my concept about a burn't offering and a prayer. That came from being a mechanic all my life and before I started up a piece of machinary after rebuilding it I would have a cigarette and pray that the machine I rebuilt would not blow up in my face or something. The Doctor explained to me in his office that the E cigarette is just moisture vapour and is harmless compared to the products of combustion with smoking a cigarette. So I was off from the chest Insitute and went for a coffee and one of my few last combustable cigarettes. I returned to my Mum's and got my perscription stuck on my patch and popped a lozenge in my mouth due to that nicotine jones. Nicorette perscription was for free by RAMQ insurance for perscriptions. So I'm off and running again to quit smoking and I intend to start jogging again to help clear up my lungs from flem.