It Went Well In Court On Friday Past Against The Psychiatrist Wanting Court Ordered Medication Plan
My Lawyer got my case postponed in court until we get prepared to challenge the Psychiatrist's desire for court ordered injections and a mood stabilizer to be taken by me. My Lawyer made several key points in her defense of me. One main point was that medication levels are theorectical and she used a key word which I forget regarding how it is my body. The Judge decided that I stay on the pills which I brought to court and then over court debating the Judge decided that my medication level is to stay the same until I pass in court for the hearing on Oct 6th 2014.
I did get to speak in my own defense and my opening words to the Judge were stating that I have been a mental health consumer Ionger vthan the Doctor has been practicing medicine and I complained about the embrassing situation of having the involuntary muscle contractions in public which are caused by stress, caffiene and medication as explained to me from an earlier Psychiatrist I had in my treatment over the years. I also stated how I have the rarest form of schizophrenia by having visual hallucinations. I experienced a flash of blue light like a camera flash on the Judge when she was taking her seat in court. I told the the Judge I hallucinated on her and did not go delusional over it and that I have evolved with my experiences that I have. I also told the Judge that I am not violent as stated by the hospital Lawyer along with the Doctor's submitted transcript about me was misconscrewed information for what actually transpired in my life. I did have one of my room mates present to testify on my behalf but his testimony was not required at this time. The postponement of the hearing was given so that my Lawyer can access my hospital file and it will give me time to get more character witness' to speak on my behalf.
It is a crying shame that with being a mental health consumer for thirty years now, the Psychiatrist is dragging me through court to over medicate me with my high functioning level. All I feel I need is the maintenance dosage of medication that I am presently on while I try and get control of the involuntary muscle contractions that took over my body on the intermuscular injections. At one point I was told that the muscle contractions are caused by long term use of psychiatric medications. With all going well the Judge will hopefully decide in my favour at the hearing in early October
I did get to speak in my own defense and my opening words to the Judge were stating that I have been a mental health consumer Ionger vthan the Doctor has been practicing medicine and I complained about the embrassing situation of having the involuntary muscle contractions in public which are caused by stress, caffiene and medication as explained to me from an earlier Psychiatrist I had in my treatment over the years. I also stated how I have the rarest form of schizophrenia by having visual hallucinations. I experienced a flash of blue light like a camera flash on the Judge when she was taking her seat in court. I told the the Judge I hallucinated on her and did not go delusional over it and that I have evolved with my experiences that I have. I also told the Judge that I am not violent as stated by the hospital Lawyer along with the Doctor's submitted transcript about me was misconscrewed information for what actually transpired in my life. I did have one of my room mates present to testify on my behalf but his testimony was not required at this time. The postponement of the hearing was given so that my Lawyer can access my hospital file and it will give me time to get more character witness' to speak on my behalf.
It is a crying shame that with being a mental health consumer for thirty years now, the Psychiatrist is dragging me through court to over medicate me with my high functioning level. All I feel I need is the maintenance dosage of medication that I am presently on while I try and get control of the involuntary muscle contractions that took over my body on the intermuscular injections. At one point I was told that the muscle contractions are caused by long term use of psychiatric medications. With all going well the Judge will hopefully decide in my favour at the hearing in early October