
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol. IX Edition VII

I Am The Most Yapped About Person In Poverty And Always Getting Done In By PM Harper Stupidity and His Goon Squad, Why Is It Such A Problem For Me To Succeed

This post is being edited and corrections made:
Now what is coming out, I caught a media clip of Barack Obama recently during late 2020 and he has got people that heard what I heard on TV and radio. Hacking must be the answer to this false news, and what people heard, Donald Trump came up with the term, may be it was being done to Obama as President and people are lost for what to believe. I am sorry Barack, I owe you an apology or not, until this sorts out, I am just figuring out what to make of video and audio clips inserted into standard broadcasting if that is what it makes some sort of false news. If one does google searches on how to hack cable TV and antennas during broadcasts,it is on the net, it is dumb being published and who is doing it. With computer generated graphics and audio, one could interrupt a digital signal and splice in to it "false news", like Military radio jamming the enemy during the Veitnam war. With media gossip, I got the inclination that Harper and Bush had seized my google account that I made from my blog, when they were world leaders together as PM and President, while monies were used against me to do me in. There are all sorts of media reports in Canada,some times the best of media clips come out of the States. Slowly but surely I get blog postings up like I committed myself to when I started blogging. This stupidity around my life goes way back, to elementary school and kindergarden. Idiot/idiot George W Bush commentated about me on BBC, as I clued in, I watched the media clip with my father when he was alive. My father is long gone now and I did not hallucinate the TV with him. Who all rose to power in the States and Canada with an intention to do me in, things get back to be heard by my ears, it is getting expensive for Americans,trillions in dept to China, and demented cults every where by the looks of it, as I hear. Who, where, what, why did people start thinking they owned my art and engineering proto-types,here 2020 and my people say hhhuuummm! In God I trust what is all involved in media hacking will be stopped, if that is the difference in what people witnessed on each's own TV viewing.,computer generating false news, to promote or defame a Politician or me for that matter as a mental health consumer. Harper and his reign in Canada I will sort out later. As we Canadians say "too bad eeehh", there was a comment by a certain American Politicians that felt they would never recover financially with what the States have become. I have a small amount of people that said that they looked into my blog and its contents, and now my account with google is lost due to broken cell phone. Here I am editing this posting November 2020 in lue of new information, that came to my attention. Part of my blog was written around September 2012, when I was looking for a place to live with my plight of life trying to earn a living from my engineering or art. At the time I wrote this, I was not aware that sabotage of my life has gone on for longer than I knew,everything is going to come out in the wash, apparently their is a demented cults that based there beliefs around my life and I never knew. People have attempted to destroy my life from being jealous of what I have tried to accomplish for my self in art and engineering, while dealing with a mental health team at the hospital. It is now December 2020 and I am near finished reworking this post, I am a angry man at what went on, I am tired of calling fowl when it is fowl and nothing gets accomplished but procastination to rectify problems around me.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Strange What Blows In My Face Within The Compounds Of The Urban Jungle
Here I sit making a blog entry and could actually write from here to evermore. I have these words in my head along with writing them in my personal journal, somehow worded how stupidity took over civilization a bit.I have so much to catch up on after being locked away in psychiatry for a bit. At times my closest associates are some of the homeless men of Montreal, we do not forget easily. I am taking one day at a time on hospital passes and greatful for the education I achieved over the years through a lot of hard work and study. Here I had my 52nd birthday in hospital, and wrote some words bouncing off some written words I found amougst my Mum's stuff. The piece is called "My Special Ladies", real true blood women that let me know how I am appreciated with my own personal survival tactics. It is like the old phrase about the out come of shit hitting the fan, a lot of good people in Montreal are reminding me of things I have forgotten over the years, funny how certain women can cling onto an underdog like myself and put me on a pedestral as I put women in general on a pedestral due to my up bring with my Father being my primary roll model. Like one of many Psychiatrists around my life put it, "He would stand up on a soap box and mouth off in public in Trafalga Square if he could", yea that is me alright, at least some Psychiatrists can get the facts straight about me. I will continue this blog entry at a later time and build upon my opening words in this blog entry. It all boiles down to some dogma of stupidity that people were promised in brainwashing demented cults to be me at some point in their life. A lot of people are busted broke out of it and I still got some budjet more than others so to say in my written word, and I still can call my own shots in my later manhood as I deem for my age, I do command a lot of respect with Montreal's populess.|Till later until I find more sellected words to put on the Internet.......So here I am in the city core after Church, I did a lot of thinking to myself before I turned to writing my Sunday words this afternoon. I am very much haunted by a lot of things, even by going through back alleys around my vacinity where I hang out with limited places to go other than the hospital. I do find a way to keep occupied through reading and doing art around my thoughts. It is like I wrote to myself in my head and on paper, here I am entering the second leg of my life at 52. What I have seen in my youth to what I have studied while obtaining my education over the years, it is a constant growing process with the images, sights and sounds I experience in the down town core around the University and its library that I am part of through membership fees. The Church family that a chose to join is also a very strong influence on my thinking process, the cost to civilization with what society has become. we all come out of summer and starting renamissing what consituated our summer, for myself the greater part of was being an inpatient in psychiatry, and filtering my hospital fresh water to make my instant coffee. We all have a lot of  complicated work ahead of us all cleaning up the environment and water supply, heaven forbid our water supply to become a saturated solution of toxins, I go nuts trying to filter out suspended particals that one can not see in the water supply but these toxins become visable through the filtration process one takes upon themselves. I do have a keen sense of smell and end up holding my breath at times while walking the city core so I do not fill my lungs with motorized veichal exhaust when I come across poor combustion gases as I approach it. At times it can be like a windmill pumping toxins in ones face.I even go out of my way trying to exhale my cigarette smoke so as not blowing it in the face of a fellow perhaps none smoking predesterine. I still am a bad speller and do not have my dictionary with me so please excuse my spelling errors. A number of great artistic masters poisened themselves working with their selected art medium, it is like we never learned as humans to not poisen ourselves from the start of what was the industial revolution around 200 years ago to what has become modern day science and engineering. I set my limit for about an hour of paying for the computer terminal and my time isabout up for now. Inclosing for today I am really going to hitthe hammer on the nail towards Politicians with there disgrace and lack of leadership towards environmental concerns. With what we the people have done to ourselves with enviromental pollution, we seemed to have lost gene mutation correction factor (I read about it once in a medical library) for the cost effectiveness for the human race, to many handicap and sick people that we have to be there for in what is suppose to be a compassionate society for concerns toward our fellow persons.... so I just leave my writing at that not and sign off for now......