As I Have Discovered, Another Building With Bullshit Wiring That Causes Home Appliances To Smoke And Need Repaired. My Tools Are Working Again 12 Hours A Day, Will Get Back To This Post With Further Update.
People that can not read and do electrical calculations with math, while being coloured blind should not play with wiring in buildings, they make a mess of things causing ground faults and baby syne waves which tend to amplify voltage in electrical outlets due to nature of AC electricity. How can a coloured blind person tell the difference between red, black, white and blue, the standard colour coding of building wiring. Everything today is rated for 120 volts max, the voltage going into it should be 110 volts if possible, or 115 volts max leaving a 5 volt safty factor. 110 volts and 110 volts in wiring make 220 volts for a stove or dryer, not 240 volts going into a stove or dryer from 120 volts and 120 volts. I have old electrical tools that I maintained that are rated for 115 volts max, that would be 110 volts with 5 volt safty factor for internal building wiring problems. Will post more later with image. Well here it is Feb 25th 2011 and I am just getting back to my blog posting. I have been working so hard protecting my Mother's household electrical equipment from electrical probelms she was faced with and never knew it. To start, a stove is made for a 220 volt input, wired with a blue, red, black, and white wire with a standard bare ground wire through a CSA standard four prong plug. The stove electrical outlet wiring has to match the wiring of the stove plug or you will run into problems with your stove, smoking elements etc. In effect you need someone that is licienced to handle electricity to plug in your stove right, having the wiring of your stove plug match that of the stove wall plug, electricity is a science that is over seen by electrical engineers. Most people that practice some sort of household cleaniness, pull out their stove once a year to clean behind it, when one does this you should pop the back off your stove and clean the contacts and wiring that get covered in dust as well. The dust in the back of your stove contacts and wiring will in effect cause a short circuit through the dust conducting electricity to the wrong place. Same thing with a household refridgerator, when you pull it out from the wall to clean behind it, you have to pop the back off it and clean the wiring and contacts around your fridge compressor. Cleaning the fridge compressor and heat exhanger is also important so that it cools right, with having a dirty fridge compressor and evapouation coil, the refridgeration system will not work to full efficency. For this type of home appliance maintance and/or electrical outlet voltages in the Montreal area I can be reached through my email or by calling 514 366 0239. Another common problem around the home is when a portable radio phone battery does not charge right and the phone goes dead when you are using it. Batteries have a memory for charging, and have not changed much in years, with bullshit wiring in ones home the recharable battery in portable phones will not charge right to full capacity as designed to do, hence one can go nuts trying to talk on the phone with the phone going dead because the rechargable battery will not hold a charge correctly. Then on the other side of the coin, I have an electrically powered tool that is rated for 115 volts max, it is an old tool that I always maintained and watched where I plugged it in as not to smoke it at 120 volts power supply, what I have to buy a new tool because of bullshit building wiring? I do not think so, I can rig up an extension cord with a variable resistor and all in a control box to control power supply to my tool!!! Then what really pissed me off with internal wiring in buildings is where I found that people wired an electrical outlet backwards. In what was proper standard wiring is where the black wire being hot , it is wired to the big slot to take the amperage on start up through the big shoe of your electrical plug. Internal wiring and circuit boards of household equipment are done in a way to have the amprage and voltage flow correctly into its self through a black wire as well. Stupid backwards instructions on getting people that do not know electricity and play with it, are leading to people wire things backwards and adding to help equipment malfunction. Electricity like I wrote is a science and it should only be handled by Liciened Electrical Contractors with libility insurance, Electronic Techncians and so forth. I worked on the job as an Engineering Techncian with Licienced Electricians, maintained electromechanical equipment, and studied the science of of electricity as cross training in machanical engineering, so I know how to do the job and I am able to get my apprentise maintaince electricity licience back with Mum's help, she offered to foot the fees at Quebec's trade liciencing office known as the Regie de Batiment. With being down and out with no money I was unable to have my licience up to date with the ensueing fees.
More will be added to this post later....