It Is Like Certain People Want Everything That Is Rightfully Mine, Like The Phrase "All The Tea In China". One Problem, You Can Not Have All The Tea In China, They Got To Save Some For Themselves! Just Like I Got Some Things For Myself That Others Can Not Have, Like My Personal Assets, My Apartment, And My Company Doc GM Creations, Created Out Of My Pen Name Doctor Goober Mickeal Modesty!!!
(Stand by while I come up with image for this post along with the accompiagning text)
First note: How did I know Harper and Obama built a demented cult around my life on their rise to power, I just set out to be an Engineering Techincian with my Father's prayers and my prototype inventions that Obama and Harper wanted to steal through a demented cult they built, it is all through out the Canadian media!!! I hear you two are now busted broke!!! Not only that, my Hospital Staff that stood by me got to deal with all these brain washed psychiatric patients because of you two, we the honest rightious people got to foot the bill for their rehab because of you two!!!!
Special note: Who are all these demented fuck heads that say I sold my soul? I never did, plus soul selling is not reconized by traditional Churches and faiths, it is all part of a demented mob cult! Further more, I know of other people older than me that claim someone sold thier soul as well. It was going on long before I discovered what someone did to me and this idiotic soul selling!!! I remember as a teenager how Interpole had to deal with demented suicide cults and everything, I am 49 now, they just got worse and worse with stupity around religious concepts that Interpole still has to deal with!!!!! !What is the phrase, "You want to fuck around, now lets fuck around, you are messing with my army of none brain washed individuals!!!!
What people have done to sabotage my life, personal property, and my invested interests in my company is really stupid, they never knew how much backing I always had from an early age. It has got to do with me making confessions to a Quebec Provincial Police Officer on my Newspaper route as a teenager, regarding all the idiots in the neighbor and the high school with the illegal drug movement in secondary school post hippie period in the '70's. Then I went into Uniform myself in the Canadian Coast Guard and kept my nose clean from stupidity and made my deal on a Federal level to protect the interests of my country and fellow Canadian as a Engineering Technician, I always had proto-type invents from a young age, even in college I invented things as fellow graduates remember. Like my army of rightious and honest Canadian citizens put it, "we all knew who all teamed up to do you in a long time ago". In other words, do not mess with me, I got so much Canadian Uniform protection to produce for my Country we all make you out to be, dumb, dumber, and dumbest, too bad eh!!! Little added note, when I was on a tour of the British cruise ship, "The Queen Elizabeth II" while in Canadian Coast Guard Uniform, I said to one of the American passengers on a sun deck over a drink, "As I build my empire, watch and make sure yours does not come crashing down". How deep in debt is United States of America now, you can not even listen to Canadian intelligencia and heed a warning!
Happy Halloween, No Money, No Candy Off The Skin Of My Back, Funny Thing How I Made No Money Off Google Ads On My blog, Neither Will Anyone Else!!!!
Too bad demented fuck heads tried to mess with my parents and our money, they (my parents) always stood by me, we both had to deal with so much information/dis-information because of Dad's inventions during WWII in ship yards, what people did to me and my Dad to take over our financial assets from our joint inventions, we are taking you down mega time!!!
First note: How did I know Harper and Obama built a demented cult around my life on their rise to power, I just set out to be an Engineering Techincian with my Father's prayers and my prototype inventions that Obama and Harper wanted to steal through a demented cult they built, it is all through out the Canadian media!!! I hear you two are now busted broke!!! Not only that, my Hospital Staff that stood by me got to deal with all these brain washed psychiatric patients because of you two, we the honest rightious people got to foot the bill for their rehab because of you two!!!!
Special note: Who are all these demented fuck heads that say I sold my soul? I never did, plus soul selling is not reconized by traditional Churches and faiths, it is all part of a demented mob cult! Further more, I know of other people older than me that claim someone sold thier soul as well. It was going on long before I discovered what someone did to me and this idiotic soul selling!!! I remember as a teenager how Interpole had to deal with demented suicide cults and everything, I am 49 now, they just got worse and worse with stupity around religious concepts that Interpole still has to deal with!!!!! !What is the phrase, "You want to fuck around, now lets fuck around, you are messing with my army of none brain washed individuals!!!!
What people have done to sabotage my life, personal property, and my invested interests in my company is really stupid, they never knew how much backing I always had from an early age. It has got to do with me making confessions to a Quebec Provincial Police Officer on my Newspaper route as a teenager, regarding all the idiots in the neighbor and the high school with the illegal drug movement in secondary school post hippie period in the '70's. Then I went into Uniform myself in the Canadian Coast Guard and kept my nose clean from stupidity and made my deal on a Federal level to protect the interests of my country and fellow Canadian as a Engineering Technician, I always had proto-type invents from a young age, even in college I invented things as fellow graduates remember. Like my army of rightious and honest Canadian citizens put it, "we all knew who all teamed up to do you in a long time ago". In other words, do not mess with me, I got so much Canadian Uniform protection to produce for my Country we all make you out to be, dumb, dumber, and dumbest, too bad eh!!! Little added note, when I was on a tour of the British cruise ship, "The Queen Elizabeth II" while in Canadian Coast Guard Uniform, I said to one of the American passengers on a sun deck over a drink, "As I build my empire, watch and make sure yours does not come crashing down". How deep in debt is United States of America now, you can not even listen to Canadian intelligencia and heed a warning!
Happy Halloween, No Money, No Candy Off The Skin Of My Back, Funny Thing How I Made No Money Off Google Ads On My blog, Neither Will Anyone Else!!!!
Too bad demented fuck heads tried to mess with my parents and our money, they (my parents) always stood by me, we both had to deal with so much information/dis-information because of Dad's inventions during WWII in ship yards, what people did to me and my Dad to take over our financial assets from our joint inventions, we are taking you down mega time!!!