Extra Pyramidal Side Effects Have Diminished To Practically None At All
Here I am making this posting and proud to say that I am not handicapped by Extra Pyramidal Side Effects (EPSE) any more. I am up early in the morning and I am more productive during the day while not fighting off EPSE in the morning. I just about, take my medication every night at the 2 mg level of Haloperidol. On the very scattered occasion, I will have a very small bout of EPSE, skipping the meds that night seem to elevate the modest discomfort when it occurs. Many aspects of my life have picked up in full steam like a lean mean fighting machine to succeed. My ex-spouse/roommate always liked controlling things, this character in her nature seemed to pick up more and more as those around her played the "schizophrenic card" instead of listening to the Engineering Technician that I am. Over a seven year period it was a constant battle getting Caroline to listen to my engineering and let me play with it to save money and build my company. Then again if I built my company and finances I would have made certain people close to her look like complete idiots. Now that they are out of the building I have got Caroline to listen to my engineering expertise, while making those that used my "schizophrenic issues" against me, look like idiots any way. Applying heat efficiency and thermodynamics around the home this second half of winter, I have kept the home comfortable around 20 degrees Celsius, 70 degrees Fahrenheit, while saving on Hydro electric consumption. I have being taking more interest at my building where I clean and do repairs for the building owner. Then again, when I am at work, I am not stricken with the EPSE any more. I am slowly getting the building fixed up with odd repairs thus making a little more extra money each month. My art has come a long way and my personal property is getting more and more organized to produce. I have my War Room as I call it or Study, which contains my company office with art supplies, computer and some tradesperson tools, along with my roll away bed and clothes. The back wood shed that my company got payed to winterize a couple of Landlords ago, holds the rest of my tools and wood stock etc. I have some basic furniture in our common area such as the kitchen and living room to make the apartment comfortable as I share the living space with my now roommate. During the evening after supper I am spending the time doing my art infront of the TV in the living room. At times I work on art for the Musee du Beaux Art du Montreal exhibition coming up this April of 2006. On other occasions I will do my own free style art to put up on my website for exchange either for money or service of some sort. The website keeps me occupied with planning and building it. My brother gave me his old digital camera at Christmas, so it will be easier to take pictures of my art and put them up on the Internet. I also have a 35mm camera that Dad gave me when he and Mom moved to the building they are in now. It took me a bit to figure out the operation of the camera to get good photographs. I play around with some photographs that I take, with my art, I would also like to get into taking some black and white photography to experiment. It feels good having all my creative toys and tools working effectively. This summer I will be working for the same gentleman that I was working for last year. I am really looking forward to the increase in work load this coming spring & summer. I have slowly reduced the the Extra Pyramidal Side Effects and increased the amount of my noticeable precision movement, while working with tools and paint brushes. It is hard to work without bumbling when on higher medication levels, the medication takes away motor movement with the onslaught of stiffness. I had developed a stiff hunch when I walked while on the Court Ordered injections at higher medication levels. Now I am walking tall and practice my precision movement type actions with body movement. I have fast reflexes, I have been known to be up a ladder and drop a srewdriver while working, with being able to re-act and catch it with one hand and carry on working. My ex-spouse/roommate Caroline used to love watching me working with my tools, when doing work around her apartment, it is just fortunate that I was here one time and stopped an electrical fire in a wall light switch box in the bathroom, while she was blow drying her hair. That started the battle royal to get me put in hospital all the time over seven years, now I am back to the capabilities I was at back when all the problems started , except the only idiots using my schizophrenia against me now is the owner of the building that we live in. This is no real problem to handle with a Judge at the Quebec Government's Rental Board, I fought for seven years to have this building comply to the Canadian National Building Code, now it is eventually going to get done with Caroline not trying to stop me from applying my engineering, to have a safe and healthy apartment as cost effective as possible. I will get to writing about the stupidity that went on surrounding this building and building practice by a unlicensed tradesman with a criminal record that manipulated people to destroy me through constantly making me look dillusional, through complete bullshit and lies to buy time to cover his crew's tracks. Until then good reading!!!