Trying To Harmonize With The Doctor's Desire For Higher Medication Levels
On December 23rd I saw my Doctor to discuss medication levels and enduring side effects . After I had worked up to 5mg of haldol, I went through torturing side effects with muscle contractions and involuntary mouth movements. Prior to the December 23rd appointment the Doctor reduced me to 4.5mg to try and easy the side effects. I take 5mg of procyclidine in the morning and in the evening when I take my haldol. Constipation with the haldol also occurs so I take 100mg docusate in the evening. It helps my regularity in the morning but the procyclidine blurrs my vision so I have to use reading glasses from the Dollar Store or Pharmacy. During the time period that I was on 4.5mg the muscle contractions were so server at one point that I could not go to work when I was supposed to. I had called the nurse on the phone to discuss my intention of lowering the medication my self if I could not get a hold of the Doctor about my situation. The Doctor was not available at the clinic the Tuesday before my appointment on the 23rd with him. The nurse could not comment, do, or say any thing about my situation. She did say that she was glad that I informed her of my intention to reduce the medication due to the side effects. So I was left on my own to consinplate my fate with my girl friend of common law. By evening time when it came to take my medication it was my own decision to cut the medication down to 3mg. I was seeing the Doctor again on the 23rd of December, and I had done well before self medication at 2mg per day of haldol with no other medication required. When I did meet with the Doctor and told him that I cut my self to 3mg we discussed the situation, the Doctor insisted that I try 3.25mg of haldol and wrote a prescription as such. He did say that if I felt adverse effects taking the 3.25mg just to cut the .25mg. It is like splitting hairs and I left the Doctor's office of wondering what I was going to do with my prescription and left thinking about my fate again. Here I was trying to get away from the bad side effects of the injection that I am facing on the pills now, compared to six years back. After talking it over with the love of my life while playing my guitar. I figured that I did not want to loose the gained muscle flexibility that I got on the 3mg, so I just stayed at the 3mg level with the side effect medication. I still have bad muscle contractions some times but usually it is more tolerable compared to any thing I have under gone in the last two years on the court ordered injections. So right now I am hanging tight until I see the Doctor again in the new year. I am trying to get my motivation back from being srewed up on the injections. I do not sleep as much and more prone to doing things instead of wasting my life on constant muscle contraction. I got into the mode of being idol while on the injections but I am trying to keep my self more active with my interests and hobbies while I am preparing to look for more work in my field in the new year. It makes it a whole lot easier with my understanding girl friend loving me and going through it together as we work to make our lives better with our situation.