
Monday, September 02, 2024

Doc GM's Political Messenger Vol.XXII Edition VIII


Debra, And I are Planning An Event For World Homeless Day, On October 10th 2024, We are Putting Together An Event For World Homeless Day Montreal Chapter

This is Debra"s flower arrangement in the homeless park in the hood, here in Montreal, she can do anything she puts her mind to with determination! This image is a simple sample of of her creative abilities making something out of nothing.
To contact Debra or myself to do something for the homeless in Montreal, contact us at: Contact Email It is really a game of life being homeless in Montreal. Who to trust with your heart, and assets for there safe keeping. A lot of people are abusive towards others, we are all damaged goods in the homeless population of Montreal. World homeless organization website is located at:

As It Turns Out I will Be Starting A Second Company, Envirosin Recycling Co.,Starting With Recycling Batteries In The Hood Of Montreal.

I proved last night I know what I am doing with recycling batteries, I have a partnership with people to collect old discarded batteries for the future company to be established in Montreal and my original company, Doc GM Creations will have shares in the company called Envirosin Recycling Company as main share holder and backer with intelligencia.

In The Meantime, I Have Been Testing Water With My Instruments Over The Area Deemed The Hood In Montreal

With the water test equipment I invested in, and now have at my side to earn a living testing water, for restaurants while making recommendations to improve their coffee and cook water by the standards of my company, Creations Doc GM here in Montreal. The lower the density of the water, the cleaner it is,  coming out of the kitchen faucet from the Mayor's water main. The healing powers of the cleanest water is not being denied any more. Here in my buddy's water supply in the kitchen, it has a density of 1.014 g/ml which I put through my unik water processing with my own filters, I reduced the density to 0.905 g/ml, and I can do better than that, by reinvesting in water processing equipment once again. There are so many benefits to clean water, ground faults in buildings induce corrosion in building plumbing, and this pipe corrosion should not be consumed, for it is cancer of the piping and it gives us cancer as well, when the corrosion is consumed, as in my case of going pre-cancer years back from buillshit electrical and plumbing problems in a building years back.

Dropping Out Of Being Part Of World Homeless Day On October 10th 2024

While keeping busy doing water tests, writing water test reports and looking for a place to live and get more work, I do not have the time or energy to put into World Homeless Day Event.  This turn of events came about as I have to think about my own survival first, I made many a good friend while living on the streets and being part of the community based hostel. I still go to the community hostel for meals and food bank pick up. as I manage my limited budget for the post covid economy. It is hard buying food in this economy, I know how to wing a cheep meal as being a single male most of my life in near or poverty state of well being, so I make do in the kitchen pretty good.

I Now Have My Own Apartment, As Well As Being A Working Engineering Technician, For A Multi-Unit Apartment Complex In The Hood Of Montreal

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Doc GM's Political Messenger Edition XXII Vol.VII


I Have Been Homeless for a Month Now, And Everything Is Going OK

Time just flew right by being homeless, I have made new friends in the park by the hostel and I get to be a Socialite again. Getting to know everyone one page at a time for their own particular book of life. Angry as some of them might be, and taking it out on each other with a powerful thumping, they apologise to each other and then get on with the partying again, like one big happy family who morn their dead with a serious convection. 

One problem with the family, it is always broke and they have become "Jolly Beggars", as written about by King James the V of Scotland, along with Robbie Burns, sometimes time does not change society. I found myself giving a bit to get to know who is who in the park, while getting to know the family through earning my trust and respect. The Begging for mercy money gets under one's skin at a point, for it is non stop every night like now, during the wee hours of the morning, even although they have their  own Government cheque. What I go begging for is a place to sleep, not too many business' like the homeless sleeping on their porch step during the night, last night I was at my third spot for sleeping and getting rested with some shut eye. I had received my eviction notice from two other sleeping spots when the rains came, just to have a protective cement overhang to save one from getting wet with the rains, and waking up.

Psychiatry has come a long way, I at least admit that I now have a mental health team that I am happy with, for one I am not arguing my engineering point and getting the schizo blame for being the cause of arguing. The Occupational Therapist can prove that my psychiatric file is unknowingly full of crap about me. As one TV Doctor put it, sometimes a patient knows themselves the best. With what little time they have to spend with me, due to the backlog of work on their plate, with mental health consumers post covid, I honestly share my thoughts with them to be respected on a higher level through being the character that I am. I have accessed my mental health file in the past, and their are a lot of misguided statements on the file. The mental health team that I deal with now, is just getting to know me, with what my state of being is, in the natural state, and what my schizophrenia is all about.

There is a lighthouse to follow at this point in my life turning 64 this August 13th, and it even has a recycling compost pit for tree growth at a fantasy lakehead of desire. I know who and what I am and have overcome my shy and timid character as I fend for myself and others while being homeless in the "Hood". I have even overcome my shyness with the Ladies and more prone to chat them up even if they are strangers. People have noticed how I have gained weight in muscle mass from toting my load all over the strip in the Hood and elsewhere on the island of Montreal.

An associate I just met while being homeless, getting together recently, we have been brainstorming to do something for the needs of the homeless on World Homeless Day this coming October 10th 2024. Resourceful homeless beings doing something towards their fellow peers needs in the missions of Montreal. Getting high profile people to take more interest in the basic needs of the homeless folk as winter will soon be upon us after Oct 10th 2024. Business operators must cooperate with responsible homeless personal, that have the need to use store front overhangs for shelter from the rains so they get some sleep. It is hard staying up all night drinking coffee in 24 hours restaurants when the weather dictates, over sleeping patterns under the moon of clear night skies. The homeless must cooperate with the needs of the business owner that we mutually gain from the experience of working together for the benefit of all parties that are concerned with the homeless situation, as more and more join the ranks of the homeless while others fear having to face this situation with Montreal's rent prices.

              Our Logo We came Up With, First Draft Before Making A Master Print For The Montreal, Canada Chapter of World Homeless Day Plight

Slowly but surely my associate and I that intend to put on an event for World Homeless Day here in Montreal, organization is slow to start, we are both caught up in personal affairs and have two months of planning to get the event launched. She has similar issues as myself with becoming homeless, it was not her fault like my own situation, we both maintained our rent paying but complications with required renovations got her put up in a hotel where as I became homeless and sleep on the street.

Stigma Of Psychiatry is Alive And Well In Canadian Health Services

Well, nothing like a kick in the teeth with steel toe boots on the emotional level, at my age and what I've been through with psychiatric stigma, and being talked down to as a mental health consumer by health services. My latest stigma incident occurred over trying to ask out an ex-care worker that knew my file. When she was part of my treating team it would have been a conflict of interest, but she sure caught my eye, and desires. Anyway, I moved along away from her service centre and do not deal with that particular unit any more. I had the phone number still and used it to communicate with her through the receptionist. She was aware that I was after a date with her, but knew my harassment file, but not the bullshit side of the story, so it over rode her female humanistic friendliness to being charmed. It cost me $26 in flowers, and some poetry writings to get the kick in the teeth of rejection through a phone call from her male boss telling me that I was making her feel uneasy. I responded with "thank you very much, I'll go fish in another pond", then abruptly hung up!    

My Birthday Is Coming Up Next Week And I Am Turning 64

It is shocking how I am homeless at my age and education level, even the homeless I am around acknowledge my intellect, the stigma of psychiatry seems to be my only stumbling block. It is like humans are natural born biggats, some learn tolerance and respect for others, while multitudes do not, or is it a few mental health consumers that spoil it for the crowd. There are leaders and followers in this unjust Canadian society, too many people follow biggaty as a sideline. The supposed weeker mind of the mental health consumer, we are face with prejudged when the psychiatric history is mentioned in conversation, and at my age I am getting rather tired of it. In the back alley alone the other night, I broke down and cried in a sniffle of tears for it hurt so much. At least shedding a tear emits healing enzymes, and I felt better when the restaurant owner where I sweep the terrace, put me to work to find a contractor for him to do some work around the restaurant. It certainly made me feel a lot better, by taking my mind off the stigma of psychiatry issues. While still in the emotional state, I shed a tear again over morning coffee at Tim Horton's for what my country has become, where are all the real wholesome people that know how to provide for themselves? I guess with mate and children housed, and paying ample tax for the likes of supporting me, through my hard earned tax dollars trying to get a place to live, and work as an Engineering Technician again. It is what I went to school for and studied hard while attending classes at night, and working in the field of engineering during the day. It was ten years of overtime working in the field of engineering and going to the CEGEP level studying engineering technology. Then through bursaries from Schizophrenia Society of Canada and there building bridges to the future program, I took University level studying in writing and theology to earn twenty four credits. When Steven Harper visited Schizophrenia Society of Canada, it is like the bursary money dried up and I could not continue my studies. Writing about Prime Ministers, now we have a spoiled child adult as a puppet on a electoral chain, yes I like the Cabinet but I became homeless under Justin's reign. He used my street words as Slim Shady making reference to tattoo ink tanks, to quote him, "Now I am asking where the Health Canada tattoo ink tank is?". The Political Drama Actor (our P.D.A. in power) should have paid me to be his script writing for a bit, it could have lead to other things, and prevented me from being homeless at this point. The Canadian people should revolt against him, and keep the Cabinet in power. Make Chrystia Leader and let her mother the country back to health, RCMP concept, where there is one there are more, as a homeless person in a new neighborhood, it really sucks with the other homeless here, they can get aggressive in begging which leads to costly altercations and wasted tax dollars to 911 and a responding Police cruiser. I have answers Chrystia, why am I homeless? Due to Justin's bigotry with his mental health complex stemming from his Mother being and having a bi-polar diagnosis.  That is the reality coming from a well diagnosed schizo that knows something about psychiatry and psychology and has become well seasoned at it over the past forty years. Then again he could be bowing down to the tattoo industry over me, and God knows what the ink is made from besides the slaughter of butterflies, he is like a regular Obama promoting the slaughter of Bull elephants by showing off his tusk on National TV, that he was illustrating as part of his heritage as a carving material with the wrong a plan. Hey Obama, I heard some street talk, Kenya is pissed, they have elephant reserves, what you cost them with doing something stupid without consulting a compatient script writer for your elephant tusk broadcast. You should go to World Court for promoting the black market ivory trade! Canadian Ivory trade is perfectly legal! It is done with walrus tusks, harvested from a bull from serving up idigiousness cuisine and feeding there people with ritual and prayer that they, and their walrus are always provided for by their Great Creator.  The Mayor of Montreal Valerie Plante wanted to stop tattoo parlors on the island of Montreal, go get them off the island Valerie, and then get it implemented Nationwide. There is a French movie of what becomes of tattooing and body piercing, it could be done with subtitles and teach people a lesson about the subject, and jungle warfare around being healthy. I am an Artist, and admire the tattoo art form, on a piece of paper, not on my body!

With Being A Person Of Acceptable Character And Good Faith, I Got Taken In And Sleeping On A New Associate's Sofa For Now

What I could write about being homeless, out of it, I have made new contacts and on the road to finding an apartment.  I caught one awful flue bug while being homeless, that I am now trying to recover from while resting easy and looking for housing. The cost of housing is unreal in Montreal, the Government let in too many immigrants without building appropriate housing for the influx of people. Now it is the Landlord's market, they can get what they want for an apartment. I am patiently waiting for Government Housing, my Social Worker is trying to get me into a semi retirement home for mental health consumers. there is a waiting list like everywhere else for this placement, for municipal housing with the city of Montreal has a back log of applicants. Through assistance from my Social Worker handling the paper work, I visited a semi retirement home for mental health consumers as a preliminary step to be taken in, by this type of municipal housing program. Without this type of housing I do not know what I would do to get a roof of my own over my head. One of the studio apartments they offer would do me just fine, they are space and the complex offers a multitude of services for their residences. I could not get a studio apartment siin enough, for I really like what I saw on the visit. Time will tell for they have a waiting list list as well and paper work still has to be completed.

Who Owns Breeding Rights? It Is A Wholesome Act Given By God!

Where does one start to write about breeding? Some in modern society are unfit to breed as deemed by and controlled by the state. For example, like one of my ex's and myself as people with schizophrenia, I had to admit I was unfit to breed at the time, as was my ex I am making reference too, as two people with schizophrenia. Sure I enjoyed the act of sex like anyone else, without any family planning or my consent, she got pregnant on me while playing around with birth control and psychiatric medications. I was socked and went running to my Social Worker. A Court ordered abortion went into effect, and after her inabilities to stop getting pregnant on men, her treating team put a stop her desire to have a child like any other woman, after too many Court ordered abortions for getting pregnant on men. I had to admit she was unfit to breed, unemployed on welfare with no education and somewhat delusional which I thought I could handle, being a person of schizophrenia myself. Getting pregnant on me when I was working building my engineering future, made me blow my cork. She ended up getting her reproductive plumbing ripped out by the Courts, to prevent another unnecessary abortion, to save a man's ass from a delusional woman. Having built my life now at the age of 64, I say I am now fit to breed as my treating team would say. The only thing left in life for me now, is to bring a child into the world as an older established male, which I so desire with a flaming passion, stable with my schizophrenia due to a motherload of hard work, as a consumer of mental health for 40 years. I just got to find a younger woman open to the nature of my being and health status.. Then again she would have to O+ blood like me for breeding by Godly demise. There is O,A,B and AB blood types, each blood type can be positive or negative in nature. O is a universal blood donor and can only breed with another O blood type of the same positive or negative designation. A and B along with AB are all breeding compatible with the same positive and negative designation once again for a healthy babies. With the added bonus of now having my cleanest possible water by Godly demise, to start family planning on, then for the term of a pregnancy in the cleanest possible home air environmental conditions as pursuited in dwellings by Engineers and Architects alike.

This Is Godly, A Symbolic Mother and Child, I Want to Share This Experience And Grow As A Man In A Different Direction From My Present Course of Life!

 A Good Shepard Of Godly Demise, Could Make For An Outstanding Father

"Mothearth"Concept Of Mine That Gives Us Our Holy Water, In The Purest Form For Healing Powers By God, And His Consort The Powers Of The Planet

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Doc GM's Political Messenger Edition XXII Vol.VI

Officially Homeless In Montreal

First night out all night, even after taking sleeping medication I could not get to sleep in the park. Spent  time during the night at Tim Horton's playing chess on the cell against the computer. There homeless all over the in the neighbourhood where I am hanging around, one homeless man who is ex military warned me where not to go so I will not get robbed by homeless thieves,  I am hanging around a relatively safe neighbourhood.
I do not think that any Politician is losing sleep over the homeless! One day hopefully, I will spend time in a cosy bed again and get a good night sleep once  more.

The above art I did this morning over coffee at my new found hostel charging my phone. Going homeless I packed a knapsack of clothes and an over the shoulder art bag to give me something to do while keeping up my artsmithing.

The Hostel is treating me just find, I have no complaints. I sleep under over hangs at store fronts, homeless are tolerated more in this neighborhood. Food and coffee shops are great. I could not ask for a better life as I get in shape toting my load!!!

It has been a week homeless today, I do not believe where the time went, I have met so many people, rich and poor alike. I hand out my business card looking for work, play chess in the park, and socialize with the homeless in the area. It is a hard way of living being homeless, one learns who to trust so that one can buy yourself street protection so you do not get robbed of your toting bags and personal possessions. It is expensive too, buying coffees and drinks and the meals you do not get at the Hostel where one gets showered and grubbed on on food for breakfast and lunch. For the lunch time meal it costs a bit of change, $2.50 to be exact, for a three course meal lunch. I bought myself a sleeping mat so I am resting my head better at night, I often wake up in the morning with a surprise of a care package of food left at my side during the night by a passer by. it just shows that when one makes an effort people respond with gratitude by giving to those in need. I even made it back to Church for an Anglican service at a Church in the neighborhood, I was well received here as well since I got a referral from my own Anglican Church in the neighborhood where I used to live.prowling the area over time.

Night action around the neighborhood results in night shift Police Cruisers working overtime around a bunch of poverty stricken suppressed drunken baboons stemming it out in cat fights, with males and females bitch slapping each other. I even took a bitch slapping when I was sitting in a chair and my evening sweetheart at the time would not cat fight. I am getting to know her as time passes, indeed she is a fine looking lady with seven kids to her family ties. I must admit she is a  hand full of female character. She needed tampons so I took the liberty to buy them for the lady that is instant hard on material for me,  I would love to crouch rub her in a dance to the song Power of Love by Celine Dion. it has been so long since I have had my dance therapy, I have forgotten what this is like. in the meantime, one step at a time. I am determined to get my dance therapy again at all costs, and I have habitual budget for problem solving in the neighborhood. Till later when I update again on homelessness in my Montreal park, there are even homeless family household of three generations. with innocent women and children living in my park I call home base with the Mayor's Office. 

The saga on the strip continues between the hospital services for my schizophrenia and the homeless hostel. I am a sweet and bitter man, when being treated for my schizophrenia yesterday by the medical team I got angry and bitter, I was not treated with respect that I command on the streets...later I have to charge my battery at the hospital this afternoon, it is now early in the morning at Tim Horton's.  Getting charged up at McDonald's with my morning coffee, and able to write some more on my homeless exploits. Like how to earn a meal by volunteering through occupational therapy type thing, see images below.

The restaurant serves up a mean spaghetti seafood style, I was introduced to sea food spaghetti in New York while on the ships. I remember my first type dish like this, well La Mer Rouge has out done themselves. This exquisite pallet enhancing after taste of Moroccan spice blend serves 19.99 plus tax and tip well fed. Their website is located at: La Mer Rouge

I can not possibly cover all that goes on among the homeless in this neck of the urban jungle, but over all they are a good team surviving together on the streets. Number one rule of the homeless society in this neck of the woods, regarding the library of knowledge and human character in the missions, do not judge another like an unread book, everyone down here has thorns in the soul of their character, we are all handy at something for survival tactics. Another day and night has passed and getting closer to the end of the month, here we are the 20th of July already, God knows where the time went, not me. It is a labour of love surviving the streets homeless. You have to be a well honed to negotiate price and service to watch over your belongings when need be, this is a simple example. We believe in each other and support each other in a slightly different direction from main stream society.  

I have joined Marijuana Anonymous to try and stop smoking marijuana and cigarettes for my Doctor told me that I have black spots on my lungs which can turn cancerous. I have been smoking stuff since I was 14 years old, it has been fifty years of smoking this year. It is time to give it up to save my life, and I need help to quit smoking marijuana and cigarettes. I have my token as a welcome jester, which I use to play around in my fingers when I am hurting for something to smoke. It does help and I am wearing off the paint on my MA token, rubbing it while wanting something to smoke. Marijuana is addictive like cigarettes. I was hurting this morning for my joint, trading a pack of cigarettes with my homeless buddy that knows the area, for a pinch of we so I could have my morning joint with my coffee like usual. I woke up four o'clock in the morning at my protective sleeping spot, cold and damp with a bit of arthritis kicking in from work injuries. Then on top of that, we all know that we roll our joint with tobacco, that THC and nicotine fix in the morning gets me going, helping me over come sore muscles from working out and toting my knapsack of clothes, art bag, and body cleansing bag. with the state of my lungs I need to stop smoking completely, a tobacco and THC patch would be a definit helping hand to help me quit smoking cigarettes and marijuana. I have been talking about it to my lovable Pharmacist who knows me well from marching to the Pharmacy every night popping pills for the Courts, I am working with this Pharmacist and their pharmaceutical company to provide me with one. Like any other business adventure it is hard to get the ball rolling, when the bell of need chimes in their face.  I can relate to some of Marijuana Anonymous literature as a person addicted to marijuana from being a user for my own personal medical purposes while being a person with schizophrenia.

My life is going really well homeless with extreme happiness and contentment! With eating better, and marching all over the place, I am gaining weight and muscle tone toting around my bags of clothes, toiletries, and one bag of assorted hardware for earning a living. If I volunteer at the hostel, I will get an extra $200 and a bus pass from the Provincial Government, then applying for the shelter allowance from the Quebec Government, I will get another $200, which would make it easier to pay for a $1200 apartment in this neighborhood. Thus I will still have survival money left over. I quite enjoy this commercial area with housing, and it is a community that houses my mental health establishment, where I get treated for my schizophrenia long with assorted medical issues. So with the grace of God, things are turning around for the better, through myself taking initiative to pass out my business card in the neighborhood, and doing chores at the hostel to help out, while passing the time instead of sitting around doing nothing. I still have my art and engineering abilities to earn extra money as this vibrant area gets passed my business card, to find some sort of steel toe boot work or sell art.

With regards to my mental health, and status in follow up, I met with an Occupational Therapist today who I was so glad to see. For I know her from being part of my treatment team at another institution where mental health services are offered. She know me well from being in my art studio and she has witnessed how I operate with a tool in my hand. I made her an art drawing board with my circular saw, measuring and cutting a perfect rectangle, and covering it with oil pastel paper, sealing it on with duct tape on the under side. With her viewing me encouragingly through her watchful eye, I made the drawing board for her with pride. She is so special in her own way, and it was really good being able to have a chat session with her regarding my present status homeless, and my homeless routine, finances, along with my plans to get an apartment when I get more organized come August. The neighborhood it self is something worldly, with a large contingent of Muslims that are so giving as people of faith, it is a middle to low income neighborhood, and there seems to be the whole world around here when it comes to ethnic minorities. As it turns out, I am the ethnic minority as the little white boy, that is an old man senior to my peers in the park, the new kid in the hood.

My Intelectual Buddy I Converse With Over Coffee, While The Night Watch Is Going On At Tim's As A Homeless Person In The Hood

This is a very special picture of Super Dave Beastula, A Internet Shock News Commentary Specialist who I have got to know during late night hours at Tim Horton's. He is my peaceful intellectual conversation in the "Hood", as it is deemed by the park partiers. He has his own websites at:
 Super Dave Beastula Shock Commentary   The crude intellect comes out over his frustrations about modern politics and current affairs. Take his commentary with a a pinch of salt and pepper as he shocks the world!